Barry Warsaw pushed to branch master at mailman / Mailman

e0dcdefc by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:04:25Z
Use the relationship cascade feature to delete key-values

- - - - -
6e99812b by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:04:25Z
Use the relationship instead of an explicit query

- - - - -
ed9efb35 by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:04:25Z
Add a find method for pending requests

- - - - -
30611aa0 by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:04:25Z
Make sure that Pendables always have a type

- - - - -
08e22a84 by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:04:25Z
Improve the unit test for the find method

- - - - -
85fcd446 by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:04:25Z
Add indexes on the Pendable fields that can be queried upon.

- Pendable.token: queried in the add() and confirm() methods
- Pendable.expiration_date: queried on evict()
- PendableKeyValue.key and PendableKeyValue.value: queried in the find()

- - - - -
eedb883c by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:04:25Z
Update the REST query to use the find() method

- - - - -
44b06852 by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:04:25Z
Handle data migration

- - - - -
16ef7286 by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:04:25Z
Add a commit to avoid a lock in PostgreSQL

- - - - -
80b9617e by Barry Warsaw at 2015-12-16T11:06:53Z
Resolve conflicts.

- - - - -
8c83cf02 by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:16:07Z
Handle data migration

- - - - -
564ee293 by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:16:39Z
Add a commit to avoid a lock in PostgreSQL

- - - - -
1f6f1428 by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:17:30Z
Implement suggestions from the review

- - - - -
a0caeb78 by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:17:30Z
Bring back the constructor for PendedKeyValue

- - - - -
b4144618 by Aurélien Bompard at 2015-12-16T11:17:30Z
Fix a leftover type argument

- - - - -
ff84c2bb by Barry Warsaw at 2015-12-16T14:52:56Z
A few minor cleanups.

- - - - -
1ebb7654 by Barry Warsaw at 2015-12-16T15:14:32Z
Optimize pendings.

Closes !68

- - - - -

16 changed files:

- src/mailman/app/
- src/mailman/app/docs/moderator.rst
- src/mailman/app/
- src/mailman/app/
- src/mailman/app/tests/
- src/mailman/chains/
- + src/mailman/database/alembic/versions/
- src/mailman/database/tests/
- src/mailman/interfaces/
- src/mailman/model/docs/pending.rst
- src/mailman/model/docs/requests.rst
- src/mailman/model/
- src/mailman/model/
- + src/mailman/model/tests/
- src/mailman/rest/docs/sub-moderation.rst
- src/mailman/rest/


--- a/src/mailman/app/
+++ b/src/mailman/app/
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ class ProbeVERP(_BaseVERPParser):
 class _ProbePendable(dict):
     """The pendable dictionary for probe messages."""
+    PEND_TYPE = 'probe'
 def send_probe(member, msg):

--- a/src/mailman/app/docs/moderator.rst
+++ b/src/mailman/app/docs/moderator.rst
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ however the message metadata indicates that the message has 
been approved.
     _parsemsg         : False
     approved          : True
     moderator_approved: True
+    type              : data
     version           : 3

--- a/src/mailman/app/
+++ b/src/mailman/app/
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger('mailman.error')
 class PendableRegistration(dict):
-    PEND_KEY = 'registration'
+    PEND_TYPE = 'registration'

--- a/src/mailman/app/
+++ b/src/mailman/app/
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class WhichSubscriber(Enum):
 class Pendable(dict):
-    pass
+    PEND_TYPE = 'subscription'

--- a/src/mailman/app/tests/
+++ b/src/mailman/app/tests/
@@ -207,9 +207,9 @@ Message-ID: <first>
         # corresponds to a record in the pending database.
         token = send_probe(self._member, self._msg)
         pendable = getUtility(IPendings).confirm(token)
-        self.assertEqual(len(pendable.items()), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(len(pendable.items()), 3)
-                         set(['member_id', 'message_id']))
+                         set(['member_id', 'message_id', 'type']))
         # member_ids are pended as unicodes.

--- a/src/mailman/chains/
+++ b/src/mailman/chains/
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger('mailman.vette')
 class HeldMessagePendable(dict):
-    PEND_KEY = 'held message'
+    PEND_TYPE = 'held message'
@@ -149,8 +149,7 @@ class HoldChain(TerminalChainBase):
         request_id = hold_message(mlist, msg, msgdata, None)
         # Calculate a confirmation token to send to the author of the
         # message.
-        pendable = HeldMessagePendable(type=HeldMessagePendable.PEND_KEY,
-                                       id=request_id)
+        pendable = HeldMessagePendable(id=request_id)
         token = getUtility(IPendings).add(pendable)
         # Get the language to send the response in.  If the sender is a
         # member, then send it in the member's language, otherwise send it in

--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mailman/database/alembic/versions/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+"""Pendable indexes
+Add indexes on Pendable fields that can be queried upon.
+Revision ID: 47294d3a604
+Revises: 33bc0099223
+Create Date: 2015-12-02 11:46:47.295174
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '47294d3a604'
+down_revision = '3e09bb4a5dc'
+import json
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from alembic import op
+    'member_id': 'probe',
+    'token_owner': 'subscription',
+    '_mod_message_id': 'data',
+    }
+pended_table = sa.sql.table(
+    'pended',
+    sa.sql.column('id', sa.Integer),
+    )
+keyvalue_table = sa.sql.table(
+    'pendedkeyvalue',
+    sa.sql.column('id', sa.Integer),
+    sa.sql.column('key', sa.Unicode),
+    sa.sql.column('value', sa.Unicode),
+    sa.sql.column('pended_id', sa.Integer),
+    )
+def upgrade():
+    op.create_index(
+        op.f('ix_pended_expiration_date'), 'pended', ['expiration_date'],
+        unique=False)
+    op.create_index(op.f('ix_pended_token'), 'pended', ['token'], unique=False)
+    op.create_index(
+        op.f('ix_pendedkeyvalue_key'), 'pendedkeyvalue', ['key'], unique=False)
+    op.create_index(
+        op.f('ix_pendedkeyvalue_value'), 'pendedkeyvalue', ['value'],
+        unique=False)
+    # Data migration.
+    connection = op.get_bind()
+    for pended_result in connection.execute(
+        pended_id = pended_result['id']
+        keyvalues = connection.execute(
+            keyvalue_table.c.pended_id == pended_id
+            )).fetchall()
+        kv_type = [kv for kv in keyvalues if kv['key'] == 'type']
+        if kv_type:
+            # Convert existing type keys from JSON to plain text.
+            # The (pended_id, key) tuple is unique.
+            kv_type = kv_type[0]
+            try:
+                new_value = json.loads(kv_type['value'])
+            except ValueError:
+                # New-style entry (or already converted).
+                pass
+            else:
+                connection.execute(keyvalue_table.update().where(
+           == kv_type['id']
+                    ).values(value=new_value))
+        else:
+            # Detect the type and add the corresponding type key.
+            keys = [kv['key'] for kv in keyvalues]
+            for clue_key, clue_type in TYPE_CLUES.items():
+                if clue_key not in keys:
+                    continue
+                # We found the type, update the DB.
+                connection.execute(keyvalue_table.insert().values(
+                    key='type', value=clue_type, pended_id=pended_id))
+                break
+def downgrade():
+    # Data migration.
+    connection = op.get_bind()
+    # Remove the introduced type keys.
+    connection.execute(keyvalue_table.delete().where(sa.and_(
+        keyvalue_table.c.key == 'type',
+        keyvalue_table.c.value.in_(TYPE_CLUES.values())
+        )))
+    # Convert the other type keys to JSON.
+    keyvalues = connection.execute(
+        keyvalue_table.c.key == 'type')).fetchall()
+    for keyvalue in keyvalues:
+        connection.execute(keyvalue_table.update().where(
+   == keyvalue['id']
+            ).values(value=json.dumps(keyvalue['value'])))
+    # Remove indexes.
+    op.drop_index(op.f('ix_pendedkeyvalue_value'), table_name='pendedkeyvalue')
+    op.drop_index(op.f('ix_pendedkeyvalue_key'), table_name='pendedkeyvalue')
+    op.drop_index(op.f('ix_pended_token'), table_name='pended')
+    op.drop_index(op.f('ix_pended_expiration_date'), table_name='pended')

--- a/src/mailman/database/tests/
+++ b/src/mailman/database/tests/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ from mailman.config import config
 from mailman.database.alembic import alembic_cfg
 from mailman.database.helpers import exists_in_db
 from mailman.database.model import Model
+from mailman.database.transaction import transaction
 from mailman.testing.layers import ConfigLayer
@@ -100,3 +101,71 @@ class TestMigrations(unittest.TestCase):
             [(1, hm[0], hm[1]) for hm in test_header_matches])
+    def test_47294d3a604_pendable_keyvalues(self):
+        # We have 5 pended items:
+        # - one is a probe request
+        # - one is a subscription request
+        # - one is a moderation request
+        # - one is a held message
+        # - one is a registration request in the new format
+        #
+        # The first three used to have no 'type' key and must be properly
+        # typed, the held message used to have a type key, but in JSON, and
+        # must be converted.
+        pended_table = sa.sql.table(
+            'pended',
+            sa.sql.column('id', sa.Integer),
+            )
+        keyvalue_table = sa.sql.table(
+            'pendedkeyvalue',
+            sa.sql.column('id', sa.Integer),
+            sa.sql.column('key', sa.Unicode),
+            sa.sql.column('value', sa.Unicode),
+            sa.sql.column('pended_id', sa.Integer),
+            )
+        def get_from_db():
+            results = {}
+            for i in range(1, 6):
+                query =
+                    [keyvalue_table.c.key, keyvalue_table.c.value]
+                ).where(
+                    keyvalue_table.c.pended_id == i
+                )
+                results[i] = dict([
+                    (r['key'], r['value']) for r in
+                    ])
+            return results
+        # Start at the previous revision
+        with transaction():
+            alembic.command.downgrade(alembic_cfg, '33bc0099223')
+            for i in range(1, 6):
+  [
+                {'pended_id': 1, 'key': 'member_id', 'value': 'test-value'},
+                {'pended_id': 2, 'key': 'token_owner', 'value': 'test-value'},
+                {'pended_id': 3, 'key': '_mod_message_id',
+                                 'value': 'test-value'},
+                {'pended_id': 4, 'key': 'type', 'value': '"held message"'},
+                {'pended_id': 5, 'key': 'type', 'value': 'registration'},
+                ]))
+        # Upgrading.
+        with transaction():
+            alembic.command.upgrade(alembic_cfg, '47294d3a604')
+            results = get_from_db()
+        for i in range(1, 5):
+            self.assertIn('type', results[i])
+        self.assertEqual(results[1]['type'], 'probe')
+        self.assertEqual(results[2]['type'], 'subscription')
+        self.assertEqual(results[3]['type'], 'data')
+        self.assertEqual(results[4]['type'], 'held message')
+        self.assertEqual(results[5]['type'], 'registration')
+        # Downgrading.
+        with transaction():
+            alembic.command.downgrade(alembic_cfg, '33bc0099223')
+            results = get_from_db()
+        for i in range(1, 4):
+            self.assertNotIn('type', results[i])
+        self.assertEqual(results[4]['type'], '"held message"')
+        self.assertEqual(results[5]['type'], '"registration"')

--- a/src/mailman/interfaces/
+++ b/src/mailman/interfaces/
@@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
 class IPendable(Interface):
     """A pendable object."""
+    PEND_TYPE = Attribute(
+        """The type of this pendable.
+        Subclasses must define this attribute, and it must be a unique string;
+        it's used to efficiently search for all pendables of the given type.
+        The PEND_TYPE "type" is reserved.
+        """)
     def keys():
         """The keys of the pending event data, all of which are strings."""
@@ -95,6 +103,16 @@ class IPendings(Interface):
     def evict():
         """Remove all pended items whose lifetime has expired."""
+    def find(mlist=None, pend_type=None):
+        """Search for the pendables matching the given criteria.
+        :param mlist: The MailingList object that the pendables must be
+            related to.
+        :param pend_type: The type of the pendables that are looked for, this
+            corresponds to the `PEND_TYPE` attribute.
+        :return: An iterator over 2-tuples of the form (token, dict).
+        """
     def __iter__():
         """An iterator over all pendables.

--- a/src/mailman/model/docs/pending.rst
+++ b/src/mailman/model/docs/pending.rst
@@ -26,10 +26,9 @@ token that can be used in urls and such.
     >>> from mailman.interfaces.pending import IPendable
     >>> @implementer(IPendable)
     ... class SimplePendable(dict):
-    ...     pass
+    ...     PEND_TYPE = 'subscription'
     >>> subscription = SimplePendable(
-    ...     type='subscription',
     ...     address='',
     ...     display_name='Anne Person',
     ...     language='en',
@@ -44,8 +43,14 @@ There's exactly one entry in the pendings database now.
 You can *confirm* the pending, which means returning the `IPendable` structure
-(as a dictionary) from the database that matches the token.  If the token
-isn't in the database, None is returned.
+(as a dictionary) from the database that matches the token.
+All `IPendable` classes have a `PEND_TYPE` attribute which must be a string.
+It is used to identify and query pendables in the database, and will be
+returned as the `type` key in the dictionary.  Thus `type` is a reserved key
+and pendables may not otherwise set it.
+If the token isn't in the database, None is returned.
     >>> pendable = pendingdb.confirm(b'missing')
     >>> print(pendable)

--- a/src/mailman/model/docs/requests.rst
+++ b/src/mailman/model/docs/requests.rst
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ an additional key which holds the name of the request type.
     _request_type: held_message
     bar          : no
     foo          : yes
+    type         : data
 Iterating over requests
@@ -146,6 +147,7 @@ over by type.
         _request_type: held_message
         bar: no
         foo: yes
+        type: data
 Deleting requests

--- a/src/mailman/model/
+++ b/src/mailman/model/
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ from mailman.database.transaction import dbconnection
 from mailman.interfaces.pending import (
     IPendable, IPended, IPendedKeyValue, IPendings)
 from mailman.utilities.datetime import now
-from sqlalchemy import Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, Unicode
-from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
+from sqlalchemy import Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, Unicode, and_
+from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased, relationship
 from zope.interface import implementer
 from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ class PendedKeyValue(Model):
     __tablename__ = 'pendedkeyvalue'
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
-    key = Column(Unicode)
-    value = Column(Unicode)
+    key = Column(Unicode, index=True)
+    value = Column(Unicode, index=True)
     pended_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), index=True)
     def __init__(self, key, value):
@@ -66,20 +66,15 @@ class Pended(Model):
     __tablename__ = 'pended'
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
-    token = Column(Unicode)
-    expiration_date = Column(DateTime)
-    key_values = relationship('PendedKeyValue')
-    def __init__(self, token, expiration_date):
-        super(Pended, self).__init__()
-        self.token = token
-        self.expiration_date = expiration_date
+    token = Column(Unicode, index=True)
+    expiration_date = Column(DateTime, index=True)
+    key_values = relationship('PendedKeyValue', cascade="all, delete-orphan")
 class UnpendedPendable(dict):
-    pass
+    PEND_TYPE = 'unpended'
@@ -114,7 +109,13 @@ class Pendings:
         pending = Pended(
             expiration_date=now() + lifetime)
+        pendable_type = pendable.get('type', pendable.PEND_TYPE)
+        pending.key_values.append(
+            PendedKeyValue(key='type', value=pendable_type))
         for key, value in pendable.items():
+            # The type has been handled above.
+            if key == 'type':
+                continue
             # Both keys and values must be strings.
             if isinstance(key, bytes):
                 key = key.decode('utf-8')
@@ -138,17 +139,18 @@ class Pendings:
             'Unexpected token count: {0}'.format(pendings.count()))
         pending = pendings[0]
         pendable = UnpendedPendable()
-        # Find all PendedKeyValue entries that are associated with the pending
-        # object's ID.  Watch out for type conversions.
-        entries = store.query(PendedKeyValue).filter(
-            PendedKeyValue.pended_id ==
-        for keyvalue in entries:
-            value = json.loads(keyvalue.value)
+        # Iterate on PendedKeyValue entries that are associated with the
+        # pending object's ID.  Watch out for type conversions.
+        for keyvalue in pending.key_values:
+            # The `type` key is special and served.  It is not JSONified.  See
+            # the IPendable interface for details.
+            if keyvalue.key == 'type':
+                value = keyvalue.value
+            else:
+                value = json.loads(keyvalue.value)
             if isinstance(value, dict) and '__encoding__' in value:
                 value = value['value'].encode(value['__encoding__'])
             pendable[keyvalue.key] = value
-            if expunge:
-                store.delete(keyvalue)
         if expunge:
         return pendable
@@ -158,15 +160,27 @@ class Pendings:
         right_now = now()
         for pending in store.query(Pended).all():
             if pending.expiration_date < right_now:
-                # Find all PendedKeyValue entries that are associated with the
-                # pending object's ID.
-                q = store.query(PendedKeyValue).filter(
-                    PendedKeyValue.pended_id ==
-                for keyvalue in q:
-                    store.delete(keyvalue)
+    def find(self, store, mlist=None, pend_type=None):
+        query = store.query(Pended)
+        if mlist is not None:
+            pkv_alias_mlist = aliased(PendedKeyValue)
+            query = query.join(pkv_alias_mlist).filter(and_(
+                pkv_alias_mlist.key == 'list_id',
+                pkv_alias_mlist.value == json.dumps(mlist.list_id)
+                ))
+        if pend_type is not None:
+            pkv_alias_type = aliased(PendedKeyValue)
+            query = query.join(pkv_alias_type).filter(and_(
+                pkv_alias_type.key == 'type',
+                pkv_alias_type.value == pend_type
+                ))
+        for pending in query:
+            yield pending.token, self.confirm(pending.token, expunge=False)
+    @dbconnection
     def __iter__(self, store):
         for pending in store.query(Pended).all():
             yield pending.token, self.confirm(pending.token, expunge=False)

--- a/src/mailman/model/
+++ b/src/mailman/model/
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ from zope.interface import implementer
 class DataPendable(dict):
     """See `IPendable`."""
+    PEND_TYPE = 'data'
     def update(self, mapping):
         # Keys and values must be strings (unicodes, but bytes values are
         # accepted for now).  Any other types for keys are a programming

--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mailman/model/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Mailman.
+# GNU Mailman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Mailman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+# more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# GNU Mailman.  If not, see <>.
+"""Test pendings."""
+__all__ = [
+    'TestPendings',
+    ]
+import unittest
+from import create_list
+from mailman.config import config
+from mailman.interfaces.pending import IPendable, IPendings
+from mailman.model.pending import PendedKeyValue
+from mailman.testing.layers import ConfigLayer
+from zope.component import getUtility
+from zope.interface import implementer
+class SimplePendable(dict):
+    PEND_TYPE = 'simple'
+class TestPendings(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Test pendings."""
+    layer = ConfigLayer
+    def test_delete_key_values(self):
+        # Deleting a pending should delete its key-values.
+        pendingdb = getUtility(IPendings)
+        subscription = SimplePendable(
+            type='subscription',
+            address='',
+            display_name='Anne Person',
+            language='en',
+            password='xyz')
+        token = pendingdb.add(subscription)
+        self.assertEqual(pendingdb.count, 1)
+        pendingdb.confirm(token)
+        self.assertEqual(pendingdb.count, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(, 0)
+    def test_find(self):
+        # Test getting pendables for a mailing-list.
+        mlist = create_list('')
+        pendingdb = getUtility(IPendings)
+        subscription_1 = SimplePendable(
+            type='subscription',
+            list_id='')
+        subscription_2 = SimplePendable(
+            type='subscription',
+            list_id='')
+        subscription_3 = SimplePendable(
+            type='hold request',
+            list_id='')
+        subscription_4 = SimplePendable(
+            type='hold request',
+            list_id='')
+        token_1 = pendingdb.add(subscription_1)
+        pendingdb.add(subscription_2)
+        token_3 = pendingdb.add(subscription_3)
+        token_4 = pendingdb.add(subscription_4)
+        self.assertEqual(pendingdb.count, 4)
+        # Find the pending subscription in list1.
+        pendings = list(pendingdb.find(mlist=mlist, pend_type='subscription'))
+        self.assertEqual(len(pendings), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(pendings[0][0], token_1)
+        self.assertEqual(pendings[0][1]['list_id'], '')
+        # Find all pending hold requests.
+        pendings = list(pendingdb.find(pend_type='hold request'))
+        self.assertEqual(len(pendings), 2)
+        self.assertSetEqual(
+            set((p[0], p[1]['list_id']) for p in pendings),
+            {(token_3, ''), (token_4, '')}
+            )
+        # Find all pendings for list1.
+        pendings = list(pendingdb.find(mlist=mlist))
+        self.assertEqual(len(pendings), 2)
+        self.assertSetEqual(
+            set((p[0], p[1]['list_id'], p[1]['type']) for p in pendings),
+            {(token_1, '', 'subscription'),
+             (token_3, '', 'hold request')}
+            )

--- a/src/mailman/rest/docs/sub-moderation.rst
+++ b/src/mailman/rest/docs/sub-moderation.rst
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ The subscription request can be viewed in the REST API.
         token: ...
         token_owner: moderator
+        type: subscription
         when: 2005-08-01T07:49:23
     http_etag: "..."
     start: 0
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ You can view an individual membership change request by 
providing the token
     token: ...
     token_owner: moderator
+    type: subscription
     when: 2005-08-01T07:49:23

--- a/src/mailman/rest/
+++ b/src/mailman/rest/
@@ -122,22 +122,9 @@ class SubscriptionRequests(_ModerationBase, 
         self._mlist = mlist
     def _get_collection(self, request):
-        # There's currently no better way to query the pendings database for
-        # all the entries that are associated with subscription holds on this
-        # mailing list.  Brute force iterating over all the pendables.
-        collection = []
-        for token, pendable in getUtility(IPendings):
-            if 'token_owner' not in pendable:
-                # This isn't a subscription hold.
-                continue
-            list_id = pendable.get('list_id')
-            if list_id != self._mlist.list_id:
-                # Either there isn't a list_id field, in which case it can't
-                # be a subscription hold, or this is a hold for some other
-                # mailing list.
-                continue
-            collection.append(token)
-        return collection
+        pendings = getUtility(IPendings).find(
+            mlist=self._mlist, pend_type='subscription')
+        return [token for token, pendable in pendings]
     def on_get(self, request, response):

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