Barry Warsaw pushed to branch master at mailman / Mailman

c22d7895 by Yashu Seth at 2015-12-16T22:54:51Z
adds digest_send_periodic, digest_volume_frequency attributes

- - - - -
e5422f53 by Yashu Seth at 2015-12-16T22:54:51Z
adds tests for new digest attributes

- - - - -
21062456 by Barry Warsaw at 2015-12-17T17:41:49Z
Many improvements to

Closes #182

* Improve the documentation, especially in describing how to PUT and
  PATCH to list configuration subresources.
* Improve the return codes for many error corner cases.  Specifically,
  this makes more consistent when a 400 error is returned or a 404 error
  is returned.
* Improve the handling of some weird corner cases, and add tests.
* Fix the setting of error response reasons by not trying to .format()
  into a bytes object (which isn't allowed in Python 3).
* Add lots of comments to the code, which improves the readability of
  all the twisty little turns.
* 100% code coverage for!

- - - - -
bb1d8bfb by Barry Warsaw at 2015-12-17T17:49:31Z
Remove code accidentally pulled in from another branch.

- - - - -
3fb07280 by Barry Warsaw at 2015-12-17T18:04:26Z
Fix the error code for a corner case.

I.e. when the URL is good, but the request dictionary contains a bogus
attribute, you should get a 400 error, not a 404.

Also, fix some comments.

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- src/mailman/rest/docs/listconf.rst
- src/mailman/rest/
- src/mailman/rest/tests/


--- a/src/mailman/rest/docs/listconf.rst
+++ b/src/mailman/rest/docs/listconf.rst
@@ -186,10 +186,56 @@ These values are changed permanently.
-Many of the mailing list configuration variables are actually available as
-sub-resources on the mailing list.  This is because they are collections,
-sequences, and other complex configuration types.  Their values can be
-retrieved and set through the sub-resource.
+Mailing list configuration variables are actually available as sub-resources
+on the mailing list.  Their values can be retrieved and set through the
+Simple resources
+You can view the current value of the sub-resource.
+    >>> dump_json('http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+    ...           '/config/display_name')
+    display_name: My List
+    http_etag: ...
+The resource can be changed by PUTting to it.  Note that the value still
+requires a dictionary, and that dictionary must have a single key matching the
+name of the resource.
+    >>> dump_json('http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+    ...           '/config/display_name',
+    ...           dict(display_name='Your List'),
+    ...           'PUT')
+    content-length: 0
+    date: ...
+    server: ...
+    status: 204
+    >>> dump_json('http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+    ...           '/config/display_name')
+    display_name: Your List
+    http_etag: ...
+PATCH works the same way, with the same effect, so you can choose to use
+either method.
+    >>> dump_json('http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+    ...           '/config/display_name',
+    ...           dict(display_name='Their List'),
+    ...           'PATCH')
+    content-length: 0
+    date: ...
+    server: ...
+    status: 204
+    >>> dump_json('http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+    ...           '/config/display_name')
+    display_name: Their List
+    http_etag: ...
 Acceptable aliases

--- a/src/mailman/rest/
+++ b/src/mailman/rest/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ from mailman.interfaces.autorespond import ResponseAction
 from mailman.interfaces.mailinglist import (
     IAcceptableAliasSet, ReplyToMunging, SubscriptionPolicy)
 from import (
-    GetterSetter, bad_request, etag, no_content, okay)
+    GetterSetter, bad_request, etag, no_content, not_found, okay)
 from import (
     PatchValidator, Validator, enum_validator, list_of_strings_validator)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class AcceptableAliases(GetterSetter):
     def get(self, mlist, attribute):
         """Return the mailing list's acceptable aliases."""
         assert attribute == 'acceptable_aliases', (
-            'Unexpected attribute: {}'.format(attribute))
+            'Unexpected attribute: {}'.format(attribute))   # pragma: no cover
         aliases = IAcceptableAliasSet(mlist)
         return sorted(aliases.aliases)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class AcceptableAliases(GetterSetter):
         assert attribute == 'acceptable_aliases', (
-            'Unexpected attribute: {}'.format(attribute))
+            'Unexpected attribute: {}'.format(attribute))   # pragma: no cover
         alias_set = IAcceptableAliasSet(mlist)
         for alias in value:
@@ -161,15 +161,18 @@ class ListConfiguration:
         """Get a mailing list configuration."""
         resource = {}
         if self._attribute is None:
-            # Return all readable attributes.
+            # This is a requst for all the mailing list's configuration
+            # variables.  Return all readable attributes.
             for attribute in ATTRIBUTES:
                 value = ATTRIBUTES[attribute].get(self._mlist, attribute)
                 resource[attribute] = value
         elif self._attribute not in ATTRIBUTES:
-            bad_request(
-                response, b'Unknown attribute: {}'.format(self._attribute))
+            # This is a request for a specific, nonexistent attribute.
+            not_found(
+                response, 'Unknown attribute: {}'.format(self._attribute))
+            # This is a request for a specific attribute.
             attribute = self._attribute
             value = ATTRIBUTES[attribute].get(self._mlist, attribute)
             resource[attribute] = value
@@ -179,20 +182,31 @@ class ListConfiguration:
         """Set a mailing list configuration."""
         attribute = self._attribute
         if attribute is None:
+            # This is a request to update all the list's writable
+            # configuration variables.  All must be provided in the request.
             validator = Validator(**VALIDATORS)
                 validator.update(self._mlist, request)
             except ValueError as error:
+                # Unlike the case where we're PUTting to a specific
+                # configuration sub-resource, if we're PUTting to the list's
+                # entire configuration, but the request has a bogus attribute,
+                # the entire request is considered bad.  We can also get here
+                # if one of the attributes is read-only.  The error will
+                # contain sufficient details, so just return it as the reason.
                 bad_request(response, str(error))
         elif attribute not in ATTRIBUTES:
-            bad_request(response, b'Unknown attribute: {}'.format(attribute))
+            # Here we're PUTting to a specific resource, but that attribute is
+            # bogus so the URL is considered pointing to a missing resource.
+            not_found(response, 'Unknown attribute: {}'.format(attribute))
         elif ATTRIBUTES[attribute].decoder is None:
-                response, b'Read-only attribute: {}'.format(attribute))
+                response, 'Read-only attribute: {}'.format(attribute))
+            # We're PUTting to a specific configuration sub-resource.
             validator = Validator(**{attribute: VALIDATORS[attribute]})
                 validator.update(self._mlist, request)
@@ -203,15 +217,42 @@ class ListConfiguration:
     def on_patch(self, request, response):
         """Patch the configuration (i.e. partial update)."""
+        if self._attribute is None:
+            # We're PATCHing one or more of the attributes on the list's
+            # configuration resource, so all the writable attributes are valid
+            # candidates for updating.
+            converters = ATTRIBUTES
+        else:
+            # We're PATCHing a specific list configuration attribute
+            # sub-resource.  Because the request data must be a dictionary, we
+            # restrict it to containing only a single key, which must match
+            # the attribute name.  First, check for any extra attributes in
+            # the request.
+            keys = [key for key, value in request.params.items()]
+            if len(keys) > 1:
+                bad_request(response, 'Expected 1 attribute, got {}'.format(
+                    len(keys)))
+                return
+            converter = ATTRIBUTES.get(self._attribute)
+            if converter is None:
+                # This is the case where the URL points to a nonexisting list
+                # configuration attribute sub-resource.
+                not_found(response, 'Unknown attribute: {}'.format(
+                    self._attribute))
+                return
+            converters = {self._attribute: converter}
-            validator = PatchValidator(request, ATTRIBUTES)
+            validator = PatchValidator(request, converters)
         except UnknownPATCHRequestError as error:
+            # This is the case where the URL points to the list's entire
+            # configuration resource, but the request dictionary contains a
+            # nonexistent attribute.
-                response, b'Unknown attribute: {}'.format(error.attribute))
+                response, 'Unknown attribute: {}'.format(error.attribute))
         except ReadOnlyPATCHRequestError as error:
-                response, b'Read-only attribute: {}'.format(error.attribute))
+                response, 'Read-only attribute: {}'.format(error.attribute))
             validator.update(self._mlist, request)

--- a/src/mailman/rest/tests/
+++ b/src/mailman/rest/tests/
@@ -30,6 +30,51 @@ from mailman.interfaces.mailinglist import (
     IAcceptableAliasSet, SubscriptionPolicy)
 from mailman.testing.helpers import call_api
 from mailman.testing.layers import RESTLayer
+from urllib.error import HTTPError
+# The representation of the listconf resource as a dictionary.  This is used
+# when PUTting to the list's configuration resource.
+RESOURCE = dict(
+    acceptable_aliases=[
+        '',
+        '',
+        '',
+        ],
+    admin_immed_notify=False,
+    admin_notify_mchanges=True,
+    administrivia=False,
+    advertised=False,
+    anonymous_list=True,
+    archive_policy='never',
+    autorespond_owner='respond_and_discard',
+    autorespond_postings='respond_and_continue',
+    autorespond_requests='respond_and_discard',
+    autoresponse_grace_period='45d',
+    autoresponse_owner_text='the owner',
+    autoresponse_postings_text='the mailing list',
+    autoresponse_request_text='the robot',
+    display_name='Fnords',
+    description='This is my mailing list',
+    include_rfc2369_headers=False,
+    allow_list_posts=False,
+    #digest_send_periodic='yes',
+    digest_size_threshold=10.5,
+    #digest_volume_frequency=1,
+    posting_pipeline='virgin',
+    filter_content=True,
+    first_strip_reply_to=True,
+    convert_html_to_plaintext=True,
+    collapse_alternatives=False,
+    reply_goes_to_list='point_to_list',
+    reply_to_address='',
+    send_welcome_message=False,
+    subject_prefix='[ant]',
+    subscription_policy='confirm_then_moderate',
+    welcome_message_uri='mailman:///welcome.txt',
+    default_member_action='hold',
+    default_nonmember_action='discard',
+    )
@@ -40,71 +85,173 @@ class TestConfiguration(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         with transaction():
-            self._mlist = create_list('')
+            self._mlist = create_list('')
+    def test_get_missing_attribute(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
+            call_api(
+                'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/')
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 404)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.reason, b'Unknown attribute: bogus')
     def test_put_configuration(self):
-        aliases = [
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            ]
         # When using PUT, all writable attributes must be included.
         resource, response = call_api(
-            'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/',
-            dict(
-                acceptable_aliases=aliases,
-                admin_immed_notify=False,
-                admin_notify_mchanges=True,
-                administrivia=False,
-                advertised=False,
-                anonymous_list=True,
-                archive_policy='never',
-                autorespond_owner='respond_and_discard',
-                autorespond_postings='respond_and_continue',
-                autorespond_requests='respond_and_discard',
-                autoresponse_grace_period='45d',
-                autoresponse_owner_text='the owner',
-                autoresponse_postings_text='the mailing list',
-                autoresponse_request_text='the robot',
-                display_name='Fnords',
-                description='This is my mailing list',
-                include_rfc2369_headers=False,
-                allow_list_posts=False,
-                digest_size_threshold=10.5,
-                posting_pipeline='virgin',
-                filter_content=True,
-                first_strip_reply_to=True,
-                convert_html_to_plaintext=True,
-                collapse_alternatives=False,
-                reply_goes_to_list='point_to_list',
-                reply_to_address='',
-                send_welcome_message=False,
-                subject_prefix='[ant]',
-                subscription_policy='confirm_then_moderate',
-                welcome_message_uri='mailman:///welcome.txt',
-                default_member_action='hold',
-                default_nonmember_action='discard',
-                ),
+            'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/',
+            RESOURCE,
         self.assertEqual(response.status, 204)
         self.assertEqual(self._mlist.display_name, 'Fnords')
         # All three acceptable aliases were set.
-                         set(aliases))
+                         set(RESOURCE['acceptable_aliases']))
+    def test_put_attribute(self):
+        resource, response = call_api(
+            'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+            '/config/reply_to_address')
+        self.assertEqual(resource['reply_to_address'], '')
+        resource, response = call_api(
+            'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+            '/config/reply_to_address',
+            dict(reply_to_address=''),
+            'PUT')
+        self.assertEqual(response.status, 204)
+        resource, response = call_api(
+            'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+            '/config/reply_to_address')
+        self.assertEqual(resource['reply_to_address'], '')
+    def test_put_extra_attribute(self):
+        bogus_resource = RESOURCE.copy()
+        bogus_resource['bogus'] = 'yes'
+        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
+            call_api(
+                'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/',
+                bogus_resource,
+                'PUT')
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 400)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.reason, b'Unexpected parameters: bogus')
+    def test_put_attribute_mismatch(self):
+        resource, response = call_api(
+            'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+            '/config/reply_to_address')
+        self.assertEqual(resource['reply_to_address'], '')
+        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
+            resource, response = call_api(
+                'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+                '/config/reply_to_address',
+                dict(display_name=''),
+                'PUT')
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 400)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.reason,
+                         b'Unexpected parameters: display_name')
+    def test_put_attribute_double(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
+            resource, response = call_api(
+                'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+                '/config/reply_to_address',
+                dict(display_name='',
+                     reply_to_address=''),
+                'PUT')
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 400)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.reason,
+                         b'Unexpected parameters: display_name')
+    def test_put_read_only_attribute(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
+            call_api('http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+                     '/config/mail_host',
+                     dict(mail_host=''),
+                    'PUT')
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 400)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.reason,
+                         b'Read-only attribute: mail_host')
+    def test_put_missing_attribute(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
+            call_api(
+                'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/',
+                dict(bogus='no matter'),
+                'PUT')
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 404)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.reason, b'Unknown attribute: bogus')
     def test_patch_subscription_policy(self):
         # The new subscription_policy value can be patched.
         # To start with, the subscription policy is confirm by default.
         resource, response = call_api(
-            'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/')
+            'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/')
         self.assertEqual(resource['subscription_policy'], 'confirm')
         # Let's patch it to do some moderation.
         resource, response = call_api(
-            'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/', dict(
+            'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/', dict(
         self.assertEqual(response.status, 204)
         # And now we verify that it has the requested setting.
+    def test_patch_attribute_double(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
+            resource, response = call_api(
+                'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+                '/config/reply_to_address',
+                dict(display_name='',
+                     reply_to_address='foo'),
+                'PATCH')
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 400)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.reason, b'Expected 1 attribute, got 2')
+    def test_unknown_patch_attribute(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
+            call_api('http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/',
+                    dict(bogus=1),
+                    'PATCH')
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 400)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.reason, b'Unknown attribute: bogus')
+    def test_read_only_patch_attribute(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
+            call_api('http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+                     '/config/mail_host',
+                     dict(mail_host=''),
+                    'PATCH')
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 400)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.reason,
+                         b'Read-only attribute: mail_host')
+    def test_patch_missing_attribute(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
+            call_api(
+                'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/',
+                dict(bogus='no matter'),
+                'PATCH')
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 404)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.reason, b'Unknown attribute: bogus')
+    def test_patch_bad_value(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
+            call_api(
+                'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+                '/archive_policy',
+                dict(archive_policy='not a valid archive policy'),
+                'PATCH')
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 400)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.reason,
+                         b'Cannot convert parameters: archive_policy')
+    def test_bad_pipeline_name(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
+            call_api(
+                'http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/'
+                '/posting_pipeline',
+                dict(posting_pipeline='not a valid pipeline'),
+                'PATCH')
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 400)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.reason,
+                         b'Cannot convert parameters: posting_pipeline')

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