On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 18:33, Chuq Von Rospach wrote:
> and I'm working on an update of that based on some new ideas I have. 
> stay tuned. (but don't hold your breath, not these days...)

I can imagine, what with G5's, Windows iTunes and Panther. :)

> FWIW, I vote for storing it in a database. By using MyISAM files and 
> splitting on listname/time, you can build lots of smaller files and use 
> merge tables to dynamically throw them together as needed, without 
> building really bloody huge tables. a nice compromise, but you get all 
> sorts of fun stuff that way, easy dynamic indexing, some usable search 
> engine stuff, etc...

MyISAM tables aren't transactional.  Would we care?  Probably not for
this application, but for my Mailman 3 experiments, I'm storing list and
user data in transactional BerkeleyDB tables because I definitely think
we want that extra safety.


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