Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Eino Tuominen writes:
>  > You are missing the point. Of course you can inform of a delivery 
>  > problem, but only when you really need to do it. Every organisation 
>  > should know of every recipient within their authority. You should know 
>  > the recipient if you accept a message for delivery from outside your 
> domain.
> Says who?  There is nothing in the standards that says so.  And if you

The times, they are a-changing... We are facing a new world and old 
habits are not the best ways to do things anymore. I'm certainly not one 
of those deeming all DSN's as evil, but it really hurts our users when 
some spammer starts a campaing forging sender addresses to look like 
ours. All the backscatter that is not absolutely necessary is evil. I 
know, we are still sending it out, too, but I'm actively working on the 

   Eino Tuominen
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