Hello Geoff,

On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 12:17 AM, Geoff Shang <ge...@quitelikely.com> wrote:
> I would just like to restate my plea for the ability to manage Mailman
> without needing javascript.  Note that I'm not saying don't use any, I'm
> merely asking for it to be possible to use without it.
> I use lynx as my primary browser, and while general web surfing can be a bit
> tricky these days, it's very quick and useful for doing admin-type things,
> and I for one would like to be able to continue to do so. Certainly I have
> no problems using Mailman 2'.1's interface with lynx, and have been doing so
> for many years.
> If my memory serves me correctly, this was generally felt to be a reasonable
> request when I first mentioned it.  I'm sure it's in the archives somewhere.

Yes, i also agree with you. That's why i mentioned a "primarily
non-Javascript output".

George Chatzisofroniou
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