On 12-05-04 3:17 PM, Geoff Shang wrote:
I would just like to restate my plea for the ability to manage Mailman without needing javascript. Note that I'm not saying don't use any, I'm merely asking for it to be possible to use without it.

This is totally a reasonable request, but I'd like to point out that what George is doing is not really on the management path. If people without JavaScript can't see his graph prototypes ... oh well. Just put up a note saying JavaScript is required for metrics. Not a big deal as long as it doesn't break other functionality.

So... If AJAX is the fastest way to get some initial prototypes going, that's a good place to start. If you want to do something else, go for that! But with the compressed GSoC schedule, I want to make sure that George spends most of his time working on on the 90% of the project that's faster and fun and interesting, rather than spending inordinate amounts of time in that 10% that involves the harder finicky bits like testing in IE4.

It's always a good idea to discuss this stuff and to consider backwards compatibility, but as an experienced GSoC mentor I've seen a few GSoC projects fall off the rails due to starting with the 10% and never reaching the 90%. There just isn't enough time in the 12 weeks. So as one of George's mentors I'm going to encourage him to focus on making beautiful things. No fiddly bits 'till after midterms at the earliest, and it is a-ok to just leave some of that stuff for the rest of the dev team to figure out later.


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