Stephen, Florian and I had a nice discussion at the GSoC Mentor Summit about what's left before we can release a beta of the entire Mailman Suite (i.e. Mailman core, Postorius and Hyperkitty packaged together). We're getting close! In fact, close enough that I'm going to suggest that we set a beta release target date of Dec 1st.

I know we had a list of 5 things... but for some reason I can't remember all of them. Florian, Stephen, can you chime in?

1. Need a Postorius interface for associating multiple email addresses with a single account. This is probably going to require either an email verification, so we might want to have that as part Mailman Core rather than doing it directly in Postorius. Short term, I don't care how it's done as long as it verifies that the user actually has access to the addresses they link together.

2. Postorius & Hyperkitty need a bit more work on the authentication management. Florian indicated that he's looking for some code review for the persona integration and that we'd really like a single sign on solution for postorius/hyperkitty to work together seamlessly.

3. We need some nice install scripts or packaging work so that installing Mailman Suite is easy. Probably for beta purposes this can just be a shell script, but we also talked about doing a meta "Mailman Suite" PyPI package and maybe doing a .deb or .rpm as proof of concept.

4. ??
5. ??

Hopefully Florian and Stephen have better memories than I and can fill those in. Everyone else: anything you know that needs to happen before we can get a Mailman Suite beta out?


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