On Monday 12 May 2014 09:12 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
A better name might be `show` since the term "list" is so overloaded in this
context.  Here's it's being used as a verb and a noun to refer to different
concepts, and I think that's confusing.

Yes, its confusing. In fact, I was looking for a replacement for that. Thanks.

Also as a general rule, I think we want just one level of subcommand, so that
`mmclient show --list` would be the template.  (That's open to discussion.)


Yuck.  Sorry but I'd like to discourage the use of made up or concatenated
words.  It's okay for some options to be multi-word separated by dashes,
e.g. --affect-bar or --change-foo.

I don't have a good alternative atm.

Will do.


mmclient set --key <name> --value <value>

I have answered this part and the `one level subcommand` part in the reply to Steve's mail.
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