A quick note for GSoC students, although this can apply to anyone submitting
merge proposals to the core.  You really need to run the test suite before
submitting your branch.  If the test suite fails, I am going to mark your
branch 'needs fixing' and move on.

Of course, ideally your branch would include any tests needed to illustrate
the problem too.  If there are no tests, then it's a red flag to me that maybe
the fix doesn't actually fix the problem.

One technique I use when looking at your branch is to unapply the fix and just
run your tests.  If I see a failure, that's a *good* thing because I then
expect to reapply your fix to see the failure go away.  This is just an
extension of test driven development (TDD) of which I'm a fan.  As we say,
"untested code is broken code".


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