On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 6:51 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull <step...@xemacs.org>

>  > It's certainly the case that this proposal only deals well with
>  > footers.  The specific algorithm is to construct a MIME tree and
>  > sign parts of it; specifically, sign all of it, and then verify all
>  > of what you get first.
> I think this is the wrong algorithm.  I suspect that "the community"
> is going to be almost as leery of this proposal as they are of l=, and
> for similar reasons.  Given that, I really think the right thing to do
> is to take the MIME structure seriously and sign part-by-part.

The difference between this idea and "l=" is that there's still a signature
covering the added part, that of the MLM.  It has taken "some"
responsibility (where "some" means "an unspecified amount, but not zero")
for the added content.  By contrast, "l=" leaves the appended bit unsigned.

This scheme does sign individual parts as well, and then does merged
signatures in each non-leaf node (corresponding to a "multipart/blah" node
in the tree).  This makes it easy to figure out below which non-leaf
node(s) a change occurred.  If you have two signatures in-hand (one author,
one mediator), it's fairly straightforward to isolate the change and then
figure out if you want to render/scan/remove/whatever it.

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