On Mar 20, 2015, at 12:35 PM, Aanand Shekhar Roy wrote:

>I wonder if we could add our modules of plugin to the var/ext( which is built
>for plug-ins), and then importing those modules(i.e. handlers ,rules etc) to
>the config.py using python imports, by doing this we wont have to add our
>modules to the sys.path and so we will avert the complexities of using
>customized paths.  Please correct me if I am wrong.

Right now config.EXT_DIR (a.k.a. [paths.*]ext_dir or /etc/mailman.d) isn't
added to sys.path so imports via dotted module names won't work.  Perhaps it
should be (or a subdirectory of ext_dir).  This is a good directory to use
because it's outside the Mailman source code.


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