Mark Sapiro <> kindly posted, in part...

A tough question. How adventuresome are you?

Well a former boss had a saying that I've taken to heart.  "Don't
be first.  Don't be last."  Are there *any* production MM 3 sites
up at this point?

There is a big advantage for you in going straight to MM 3 and
that is you won't miss those MM 2.1 features that haven't yet
been implemented in MM 3. ;)

The Pareto principle (also known as the 80–20 rule) seems to
apply to so many things, especially computer apps.  ListProc is
crufty but featureful.  Yet for 15+ years it has been running
here, list owners have pretty much used only a small set of all
the available features.  So I don't have any concerns there.  And
on the plus side, the Google/Yahoo Groups-like features of
HyperKitty should be a real win for my list owners and

I hesitate to advise you on a path here. There are pro and con
arguments for both, but I *think* if I were in your place, I
would at least try MM3.

At this stage I agree -- it is worth trying to kick the tires on
MM 3.  But without a detailed install manual for a typical list
admin as verses a Python developer, it looks like it is going to
be a slog.

I'm not sure about the pip issue, but how about yum? See

So far I've been build stuff from source, perhaps for no good


=====================================[ ]==
 Bill Costa
 1 Leavitt Lane
 UNH IT -- 1st Floor
 University of New Hampshire
 Durham, NH  03824
 Voice: +1-603-862-3056
 No good deed... Goes unpunished.
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