Hi all,

I noticed a conversation on the recent thread releasing 2.1.26, but
wanted to start a new thread that'll hopefully stay on-topic.

Because the mailman configure requires the user and group to exist prior
to running, as well as hard coding the actual values once run, it
becomes very hard for porters/packagers when trying to support multiple
mail servers and their respective user/group configurations (sendmail,
postfix, exim, openstmpd, etc); and additionally the various web
servers. Either we have to create a package for every combination or
come up with another solution.

What I did for the OpenBSD ports tree was to rewrite check_caller() in
src/common.c (with src/common.h addition). It allows one to set the
username, groupname, cgi-gid and mail-gid all via configure without
these having to be setup beforehand. From the log message:

- Rewrite src/common.c:check_caller() for the cgi/mail wrapper to now           
  look at the defined group membership instead, _mailmanq (a new group).        
  This allows the administrator to switch mail servers and web servers          
  without requiring a FLAVOR for each combination; but rather, by simply        
  adding the cgi/mail user to the _mailmanq group. This is a diversion          
  from upstream, but will be proposed. At least sthen@ and dlg@ agree to        
  go in this general direction.

Here as well:

In the OpenBSD ports tree, configure is now run with:
        --with-username=_mailman \
        --with-groupname=_mailman \
        --with-cgi-gid=_mailmanq \

and the admin can change/migrate mail servers as well as web servers by
just mucking with group memberships; no need to rebuild - allows mailman
to be packaged basically.

I realize now I never sent this upstream, so better late than never :)

Inline patch to src/common.[ch] to follow, hopefully in the same style
as the original.

Considerations, thoughts?


$OpenBSD: patch-src_common_h,v 1.1 2016/04/22 16:42:14 okan Exp $
--- src/common.h.orig   Sun Mar 20 13:48:18 2016
+++ src/common.h        Sun Mar 20 13:53:00 2016
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <grp.h>
+#include <pwd.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 /* GETGROUPS_T gets set in the makefile by configure */
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ extern const char* logident;
$OpenBSD: patch-src_common_c,v 1.1 2016/04/22 16:42:14 okan Exp $
--- src/common.c.orig   Sun Feb 28 15:47:44 2016
+++ src/common.c        Sun Mar 20 16:22:35 2016
@@ -119,45 +119,39 @@ fatal(const char* ident, int exitcode, char* format, .
 check_caller(const char* ident, const char* parentgroup)
-        GID_T mygid = getgid();
-        struct group *mygroup = getgrgid(mygid);
-        char* option;
-        char* server;
+       struct passwd *pw;
+       struct group *gr;
+       char **g;
+       int ok = 0;
         char* wrapper;
-        if (running_as_cgi) {
-                option = "--with-cgi-gid";
-                server = "web";
-                wrapper = "CGI";
-        }
-        else {
-                option = "--with-mail-gid";
-                server = "mail";
-                wrapper = "mail";
-        }
+       pw = getpwuid(getuid());
+       if (pw == NULL)
+               fatal(ident, USER_NAME_NOT_FOUND,
+                     "Failure to find username");
-        if (!mygroup)
-                fatal(ident, GROUP_NAME_NOT_FOUND,
-                      "Failure to find group name for GID %d.  Mailman\n"
-                      "expected the %s wrapper to be executed as group\n"
-                      "\"%s\", but the system's %s server executed the\n"
-                      "wrapper as GID %d for which the name could not be\n"
-                      "found.  Try adding GID %d to your system as \"%s\",\n"
-                      "or tweak your %s server to run the wrapper as group\n"
-                      "\"%s\".",
-                      mygid, wrapper, parentgroup, server, mygid, mygid,
-                      parentgroup, server, parentgroup);
+       gr = getgrnam(parentgroup);
+       if (gr == NULL)
+               fatal(ident, GROUP_NAME_NOT_FOUND,
+                     "Failure to find \"%s\" group", parentgroup);
-        if (strcmp(parentgroup, mygroup->gr_name))
-                fatal(ident, GROUP_MISMATCH,
-                      "Group mismatch error.  Mailman expected the %s\n"
-                      "wrapper script to be executed as group \"%s\", but\n"
-                      "the system's %s server executed the %s script as\n"
-                      "group \"%s\".  Try tweaking the %s server to run the\n"
-                      "script as group \"%s\", or re-run configure, \n"
-                      "providing the command line option `%s=%s'.",
-                      wrapper, parentgroup, server, wrapper, mygroup->gr_name,
-                      server, parentgroup, option, mygroup->gr_name);
+       for (g = gr->gr_mem; *g; g++) {
+               if (strcmp(pw->pw_name, *g) == 0) {
+                       ok = 1;
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       if (running_as_cgi)
+               wrapper = "CGI";
+       else
+               wrapper = "mail";
+       if (ok == 0)
+               fatal(ident, GROUP_MISMATCH,
+                     "Group mismatch error.  Mailman expected the %s\n"
+                     "wrapper script to be executed by a member of\n"
+                     "\"%s\" group.", wrapper, parentgroup);
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