On 02/07/2018 04:10 PM, Okan Demirmen wrote:
> Because the mailman configure requires the user and group to exist prior
> to running, as well as hard coding the actual values once run, it
> becomes very hard for porters/packagers when trying to support multiple
> mail servers and their respective user/group configurations (sendmail,
> postfix, exim, openstmpd, etc); and additionally the various web
> servers. Either we have to create a package for every combination or
> come up with another solution.

This is a common problem faced by all downstream packagers. While I
appreciate your sharing your solution, at this point in the lifecycle of
Mailman 2.1, I think most if not all downstream packagers have addressed
this in their own similar but incompatible ways.

I think for the Mailman 2.1 developers (read "me") to try to implement a
solution upstream at this point would help only the one downstream that
was already doing it that way and just make more work for the others.

Note that there are many packaging issues to be faced for Mailman 3
(Debian for one is working on it and the GNU Mailman project is
distributing Docker containers), but at least there are no SETGID
compiled wrappers and group mismatch errors to contend with.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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