
I'll try to deal with some of what you have said below

At 10:01 09/01/2002 -0600, Darren wrote:
>Thank you very much for your suggestions.  I've marked the parts that I cut
>and pasted from the screen output with "# from screen>" and put all of it at
>the bottom of page.  I hope this helps the readability of this post.
>Unfortunately, my DEFAULT_LIST_ADVERTISED variable is already =1 in
>Defaults.py.  I didn't change this.  So, I guess the default setting is to
>make the new lists public.  And, I also have that option set correctly in
>the privacy section.  The only other information that I know to include is
>that the Welcome page displays differently depending on whether I'm logging
>in from localhost or from another computer that gets routed outside the LAN
>and then back in.

The absence of lists and the difference in presentation depending on the IP 
address specified in the URL used to access the MM web GUI suggests the 
problem you are having results form MM's virtual hosting feature. If you 
changef the value of VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW = 0 in $prefix/Mailman/mm_cfg.py 
then the problem would probably go away; but read on before you do that.

Looking at your site through http://www.kneedeep.org/mailman/admin, it 
gives an e-mail address for the mailman owner mailman-owner@localhost as 
which suggests that DEFAULT_HOST_NAME = 'localhost' in your 
$prefix/Mailman/Defaults.py. You really want to set DEFAULT_HOST_NAME to 
the IP name of your host through which you expect the MM web GUI to be 
accessed in $prefix/Mailman/mm_cfg.py: localhost won't provide 
communication for a user on another machine. You also want to set 
MAILMAN_OWNER to include the IP name of your machine in 

As an aside, do your own test and accessing through a fully qualified 
domain name for your mailman machine not 'localhost'. That way you'll see 
your installation as your users will; they can never access it through 
'localhost' I hope.

>Note below that the list name "Hinds calculus ii" does not match the error
>message echoed to screen output generated by "lynx localhost/mailman/admin".
>The error message says "No such list hinds" (not "No such list Hinds
>calculus ii).  This might be related to the problem of not being able to
>delete the list.  Maybe lists
>with spaces in the name is causing some of the problems.

I suspect that if you said the following on the command line it might work:

     lynx "localhost/mailman/admin/hinds calculus ii"

The following URL certainly does work from my machine using Netscape:


However, spaces in list names are not a good idea. Bear in mind that the 
the list name is going to be the local part of what must be a valid 
Internet addr-spec as described in RFC2822 section 3.4.1 as well as being a 
directory name and part of file names in your file system, and part of URIs 
for accessing through the web GUI. That means that when it is used the 
local part has to be quoted (enclosed in double quotes) to be valid if it 
contains spaces or special characters like '.'. In all honesty I'm not even 
sure if MM is programmed to cope with all the possible implications of this.

Why make life difficult. Just keep list names short and do not allow 
embedded whitespace, puncutation etc - all those things that need to be 
escaped in URLs, on command lines and in mail address specifications. Stick 
to a-zA-Z0-9-_ characters in your list names and you won't go far wrong.

>As far as what I've tried to do to remove the list, the output below pretty
>much speaks for itself.  But, to summarize, I have tried using qoutes and
>the spaces in the list name.  Again, can I just delete the references to the
>lists I want to delete from /lists and /archives?

I'm not sure as to why you are having the deletion problem. Given that 
you've not really got started with Mailman I'd:

1. treat what's happened so far as good experience of what can go wrong

2. blow away your 2.0.5 install

3. download 2.0.8 from 

4. redo you installation from mailman-2.0.8.tgz

5. check your $prefix/Mailman/Defaults.py following installation and see if 
the variables discussed look sensible

6. avoid creating lists with names that will cause problems.

Take heart, it took me three or four goes when I first installed MM to get 
an installation that worked right



>Thanks for helping,
>If you will go to http://www.kneedeep.org/mailman/listinfo, you can see for
>yourself the output generated there (neither test list shows up).
>Likewise, you can go to http://www.kneedeep.org/mailman/admin and see that
>both lists show up there and if you follow the link to Hinds calulus
>ii, it will give you a log in prompt (that is different from what you get
>when you view it from localhost).
> >From localhost, here is exactly what I get when I type, as root, "lynx
># from screen>                  localhost Mailing Lists
># from screen>
># from screen>   Welcome!
># from screen>
># from screen>   Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on
># from screen>   localhost. Click on a list name to get more
># from screen>   information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe,
># from screen>   and change the preferences on your subscription.
># from screen>   To visit the info page for an unadvertised list, open a URL
># from screen>   similar to this one, but with a '/' and the
># from screen>   list name appended.
># from screen>
># from screen>   List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview
># from screen>   page to find the management interface for your
># from screen>   list.
># from screen>
># from screen>   (Send questions or comments to mailman-owner@localhost.)
># from screen>
># from screen>
># from screen>   List Description
># from screen>   Hinds calculus ii [no description available]
># from screen>
># from screen>
># from screen>   Delivered by Mailman
># from screen>   version 2.0.5 Python Powered GNU's Not Unix Mailman home
># from screen>   page
># from screen>   Python home page
># from screen>   GNU home page
># from screen>
> >From localhost, here is exactly what I get when I type, as root, "lynx
># from screen>   kneedeep.org mailing lists - Admin Links
># from screen>
># from screen>   # from screen>
># from screen>   No such list hinds
># from screen>
># from screen>   Below is the collection of publicly-advertised mailman
># from screen>   mailing lists on kneedeep.org. Click on a list name
># from screen>   to visit the configuration pages for that list. To visit
># from screen>   the administrators configuration page for an
># from screen>   unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with
># from screen>   a '/' and the right list name appended.
># from screen>
># from screen>   General list information can be found at the mailing list
># from screen>   overview page.
># from screen>
># from screen>   (Send questions and comments to mailman-owner@localhost.)
># from screen>
># from screen>
># from screen>   List Description
># from screen>   Hinds calculus ii [no description available]
># from screen>   test This is a test list and will soon be deleted.
># from screen>
># from screen>
># from screen>   Delivered by Mailman
># from screen>   version 2.0.5 Python Powered GNU's Not Unix Mailman home
># from screen>   page
># from screen>   Python home page
># from screen>   GNU home page
># from screen>
>Here is what I have tried in order to delete the list.
># from screen>   fbsd# whoami
># from screen>   root
># from screen>   fbsd# pwd
># from screen>   /usr/local/mailman/bin
># from screen>   fbsd# ./list_lists
># from screen>   2 matching mailing lists found:
># from screen>       Hinds calculus ii - [no description available]
># from screen>                    test - This is a test list and will soon
># from screen>   be deleted.
># from screen>   fbsd# ./rmlist "Hinds calculus ii"
># from screen>   Not removing archives.  Reinvoke with -a to remove them.
># from screen>   Removing list info
># from screen>   fbsd# ./rmlist -a "Hinds calculus ii"
># from screen>   Removing list info
># from screen>   hinds calculus ii private archives not found as
># from screen>   /usr/local/mailman/archives/private/hinds calculus ii
># from screen>   Removing private archives
># from screen>   Removing public archives
># from screen>   Removing public archives
># from screen>   fbsd# ./list_lists
># from screen>   2 matching mailing lists found:
># from screen>       Hinds calculus ii - [no description available]
># from screen>                    test - This is a test list and will soon
># from screen>   be deleted.
># from screen>   fbsd# ./rmlist \Hinds\ calculus\ ii
># from screen>   Not removing archives.  Reinvoke with -a to remove them.
># from screen>   Removing list info
># from screen>   fbsd# ./list_lists
># from screen>   2 matching mailing lists found:
># from screen>       Hinds calculus ii - [no description available]
># from screen>                    test - This is a test list and will soon
># from screen>   be deleted.

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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