On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 09:54:27PM +0100, Fil wrote:
> > If you think the  patch is stupid and shouldn't be in  mailman, you can tell
> > us that too :-)
> If you want opinions, here's mine: I want to receive two copies if I'm CCed.
> Not as an option, but as something I can rely upon. Because you never know

Fair enough.
While dupe removal is enabled by default in mailman-cvs, it cannot be forced
on by the list owner or site owner (they can only set the default setting)
What this means is  that when you sign up, you simply need  to make sure you
uncheck the box that would remove dupes.

> If I want to remove duplicates, there's a three line procmail recipe that
> does it perfectly (I'm told).
Yes, it does.
> Let's see the problem otherwise. If a user does not receive its copy through
> the list, s/he'll write to the listmaster to ask "why?". I don't want these
> questions! If their expectations are that they can ask this from a
> listserver, they'll also expect it to work 100%, which cannot be guaranteed.

Ah, you want as a site owner to not have dupe removal enabled?
Ok, then after installing mailman-cvs, make sure you set 
DEFAULT_NEW_MEMBER_OPTIONS to 0 (or make sure it doesn't contain 256).
If you are a list owner, the interface also allows you to not set nodupes by
default for new users.

This  will cause  the mailman  to  send dupes  by default,  unless the  user
changes the setting and explicitely asks to not receive them.

If that isn't acceptable, you could then remove the option by ripping it
from templates/en/options.html|readme.txt and MailCommander.py

> Lots of trouble for something only "hackers" might want - and hackers have
> procmail.

I beg to differ. If  that were true, I wouldn't have spent  the time to port
Ben's  patch. I've had  many list  users  on windows  system complain  about
dupes.  Unix  users typically don't  complain, or  go away happily  when you
show them procmail.

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