At 10:26 14/03/2002 -0600, Kelly Corbin wrote:
>I'm setting up Mailman with Htdig integration, and have 1 final 
>problem.  Mailman works fine, htdig works fine, but together the searches 
>fail with a 'htdig Archives Access Failure  The requested document cannot 
>be found. %s'

Assuming you are using the mailman-htdig integration patches (444879 and 
444884) off sourceforge, the error is being generated by the script 
$prefix/Mailman/Cgi/ when it tries to display a piece of archived mail.

It is saying that it has a problem with finding the html page from the 
archives that was identified by the URL returned by the search.

The URL should be cited further down the response page below what you have 
quoted above.

>I get no errors in any logs anywhere, so what is the %s?  Also, when 
>Mailman creates the htdig conf file for a list, how does it determine the 
>search URL?  If the .db files are not accessible, I get a different error 
>(a more obvious one) so I know that's not the problem.
>Is there a better way to trace this error?  I've been banging my head 
>against the wall for the past 3 days on this...

It would be useful to know the following:

A. what versions of python, and Mailman you are running

B. what were the name of the patch files you downloaded from sourceforge to 
do the mailman-htdig integration

First things to check are:

1. what was the URL returned by the search engine.

2. the last item in the URL path is the name of the html file that was 
being accessed.

3. the second to last item in the URL path is the particular archive that 
html file was in when the archives were last indexed by htdig.

4. third to last item in the URL patch should be the name of the list.

5. now look in the directory $prefix/archives/private/<listname>.

6. is the an archive directory from the URL in the directory.

7. if the archive directory is there is the html file in it.

If the answer to either 4 or 5 is no then that is why you are getting the 
problem and we have to identify:

either (a) why the file that was indexed by htdig is no longer where it was 
when it was indexed.

or (b) what went wrong with the indexing that lead to the wrong URL being 
stored in the index, i.e. is there something wrong in the list's htdig conf 

Things to consider:

1. have you manually manipulated the list's archives since cron last ran 
the $prefix/cron/nightly_htdig script. The modification time on the file 
$prefix/archives/private/<listname>/htdig/rundig_last_run will tell you 
when the script was last run.

2. you can try running $prefix/cron/nightly_htdig -v <listname> (i.e. with 
the verbose flag) from the command line and see if fixes things.

3. as a more extreme measure you can run the $prefix/bin/blow_away_htdig -v 
<listname> command from the command line to remove the htdig stuff 
associated with the list. Then:

     a. post a message to the list, which should recreate the list's htdig 
conf file etc

     b. run $prefix/cron/nightly_htdig -v <listname> from the command line 
to recreate the htdig indexes for the list

     c. try the list search again

If it is still not working then get back to me and I'll tell you what other 
information I need off your installation to diagnose the problem.


Basic questions:

1. which version of Mailman.

2. which version of Python.

3. are you using the mailman-htdig integration patches (444879 and 444884) 
off sourceforge.

4. so what are names of the files you downloaded.

5. have you either run $prefix/cron/nightly_htdig from the command line or 
has it recently been run by cron.

Again if the answers to questions 3 to 10 are yes:

11. Where does the error message you cite appear? Is it on the response you 
got from filling in the search form on the lists' TOC page clicking the 
search button?

12. select a list that is being archived and has had posts to it since 
installing the the mailman-htdig integration patches.

12. look in the directory  $prefix/archives/private/<listname>/htdig/

13. if there a file call <listname>.conf in the directory.

14. are ther


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