At 05:29 PM 4/20/02 +0200, E.J.L. Kemper wrote:

>Hi everyone,
>can anyone please tell me what I should do when I see this?

Honestly, what you need to do is delete your installed mailman config,
(save if you edited it), and go through and reverify your 
settings to configure.  Verify the paths you set, for instance.  Make sure 
the mailman homedir is there, and has the right permissions.  Then 
reinstall.  Because the error below is very self explanatory - an essential 
piece of mailman simply isn't where you told the software you were going to 
put it.

Start at the beginning of the INSTALL file and reverify everything step by 

I'm assuming you're running 2.0something, because in 2.1 there is no 
wrapper program there anymore, it got renamed.  If you're running 
2.1anything then, again, you really need to read the install and upgrade 
files, because there's a *lot* of stuff you needed to do, including 
regenerating all your aliases.

>Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "bin/check_perms", line 281, in ?
>     checkmail()
>   File "bin/check_perms", line 202, in checkmail
>     mode = statmode(wrapper)
>   File "bin/check_perms", line 74, in statmode
>     return os.stat(path)[ST_MODE]
>OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/mailman/mail/wrapper'
>please help,
>after 4 days toying with all kinds of hickups, i would like to see this
>great prog run here...???
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