At 01:52 PM 4/22/02 +0100, Graham Robinson wrote:

>I'm looking for some advice. The scenario is that a client wants me to set up a 
>mailing list (or several...) that they can use to keep in touch with subscribers to 
>their services. They operate three different levels of service, and want to be able 
>to send information specific to each level to only those individuals. They also want 
>to be able to send some e-mails to everyone, but to allow people to choose which 
>types of message they will or won't receive.
>Now, I realise I could set this up with some combination of umbrella lists, but I 
>can't see how to manage it without having the end users subscribed to several 
>different lists, depending on their desires. Is there a better way? Any advice much 

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