On 02:12 PM 2/19/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The code that does the checking is a function called is_administrivia()
in the file $prefix/Mailman/Utils.py

 From a quick look at the Python code (which is quite legible if you
want to take a look yourself) it appears to check both the subject line
and the first 5 lines of the message body.

The check applied is to look for any of a set of words defined as keys
to a dictionary called ADMINDATA in $prefix/Mailman/Utils.py. These
include unsubscribe, subscribe and others from the lexicon of email in
commands that are majordomo'ish.

The criteria that appear to be applied are that the first word of the
subject or one of the first 5 body line is one of the key words and the
number of words following that keyword on the line are between limits
prescribed by min and max values in ADMINDATA associated with that

So, could the same system be tweaked to reject any mail sent with "Re: <listname> Digest" in the subject? This is a feature on another list I am on, and I'd really like to add it to my system. I'd also like to reject e-mail which quotes my list footer, but that is the end of the e-mail. Any thoughts or code gladly accepted!

<>< Paul

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