On 17-May-2009, at 19:29, Mark Sapiro wrote:
  status 4: "/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post listname". Command
  No such file or directory

status 4 means the execve that runs python returned. The "no such file
or directory" can refer to either /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman or
to the path to Python that the mail wrapper is using.

Very odd, the path was there, the executable was there, permissions where right, and python appeared to be running. I certainly didn't do anything to change python's settings either before or after.

See the FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/tYA9> to understand more about
this error.

My confusion about the error is that mailman has ALWAYS been setu for uid/gid mailman, and has been for years and years.

If you have a file named last_mailman_version in Mailman's data/
directory, it probably has contents


If so, change the contents to


That file has the right info, it's just the ports DB that is off since I replaced the install from backups 'behind its back'.

What are you, Ghouls? There are no dead students here. This week.

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