Clare Redstone wrote:
>I might exceptionally see if I can edit and resend messages when I think
>it's particularly worth it and the sender likely to be flummoxed by being
>asked to clean and resend. I'm having trouble following the instructions
>I use Outlook 2007 on Windows XP so don't have Mutt.
>>> What you can do depends on your MUA. I do the
>following occasionally (when a quoted digest is held for size). I have
>admin_immed_notify set to yes, so I receive a notice containing the
>post as part 2 of 3 message parts. First, I discard the original held
>message. Then, using Mutt, I open the notice and then the
>message/rfc822 part containing the post, edit it...<<
>In Outlook, I get an email telling me there's a message waiting for
>authorisation, with 2 attachments: one called by the post subject and the
>other called "confirm 2ff72..." long string of numbers/letters.

Yes, that's correct. The one with the 'confirm ...' subject can be used
to approve or discard the original. If you open that message and reply
to it, the original post will be discarded. If you insert "Approved:
<password>" as the first line of that reply, the original UNEDITED
post will ba accepted for the list.

>Test 1. "Subject" is the actual rogue post. I can use reply or forward, edit
>the message and address it to the list. I changed options to send in plain
>text, wrote approved: password at the top of the body and, just below that,
>changed the line "To: testl...@..." to "Resent-To: testlist@ ..."

The Approved: <password> here may or may not be needed. It is only to
ensure that the resent message doesn't get held a second time. If you
edit out the things that caused it to be held, you don't need the
Approved: <password>.

>The message made it through OK, but appears to be from me instead of from
>the original sender, and has the headers written at the top of the body of
>the message in the same way any replied to or forwarded email would have
>(albeit changed to Resent-To.)

Yes. That is because you are replying or forwarding. The headers you
are editing are copies of the original message headers in the body of
your reply/forward. You are effectively creating a new message From:
you to the list, and this is not what you want to do.

>So I've got it working in part and this will do if there isn't a
>straightforward solution. The "approved" bit worked and I could edit the
>message, but how do I make a "Resent-To" instead of a "Forward?"

The Approved: bit may or may not have been required as I note above.

>Which is what I think you mean by:
> >>and then 'bounce' it
>to the list. 'Bounce' is Mutt's term for resending the original
>message to additional recipients. This is not forwarding; it is
>resending with the original headers. Not all MUAs can do this.<<
>Is it possible in Outlook?

I don't know. What happens if you drag the attachment containing the
original message to your "Drafts" folder? Do you have such a thing? If
so, you might be able to do that, and then edit the "draft" and send
it. I don't know if that would work, but it is worth a try.

>Another odd thing is that although it's been approved (via email) and
>received by list members, the original post is still sitting in the admin
>queue on the web interface. So I'll need to remember to delete it manually.

Right. The original post will always have to be manually deleted. Even
if you get the editing down so the resend is From: the original sender
with the original Message-ID: and In-Reply-To: and References: headers
(for threading in the archives, although if it's a reply to a digest,
it won't be threaded anyway), it's still a separate post as far as
Mailman is concerned, and the original has to be manually discarded.

>One of the wiki pages you linked to, about editing messages before approving
>them (thank you, very helpful) says,
>>>If this feature is not available in your MUA, you can still post the
>edited message directly if you are on a
>machine with an MTA, e.g., sendmail, etc., by saving the edited message in a
>file and giving a command
>similar to the following:
>/path/to/sendmail < edited_message_file<<
>I haven't a clue what any of that means so guess it's beyond me.

That is not directly applicable to Windows XP without installing other
software. It would be possible to do this with a Windows MUA like
popcorn <>.

If you configured popcorn to be able to send mail, you could save the
original message part from outlook and then open it as a draft with
popcorn and then edit and send it. That is possibly the easiest thing
if you need to install something, but try the outlook drafts idea

>Thank you again for such a helpful reply. Any solutions getting Resent-To
>(Bounce?) to work through Outlook?

Try the drafts idea. There may actually be a way to directly resend a
message from outlook, but I know little about it, and the drafts trick
is all I can think of.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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