Clare Redstone quoted me and wrote:
>>The Approved: <password> here may or may not be needed. It is only to
>ensure that the resent message doesn't get held a second time. If you edit
>out the things that caused it to be held, you don't need the Approved:
><password>.   <
>I just checked what was happening again. Even with "approved: password" at
>the beginning of the message I forwarded, MM filtered on the taboo word
>("digest") in the subject. So if I want to edit a message body, I need to
>edit the subject too. Which isn't a problem as that's one of the things I'd
>be changing in any case.

Actually, there is a real problem with using an Approved:
header/pseudo-header in this context. It won't stop a post from being
held by header_filter_rules because SpamDetect comes before Approve in
the global handler pipeline, but there is a more serious problem. If a
message containing an Approved: header/pseudo-header is held by
header_filter_rules and subsequently approved, the Approved:
header/pseudo-header is not removed from the message.

>Approving by replying to the "confirm" email with approved: password accepts
>the taboo word.
>An oddity but not a problem.

Well, as I say above, it is a problem if you put an Approved:
header/pseudo-header in your edited message, and your edited message
gets held by header_filter_rules. In that case, when you approve the
edited message, the Approved: header/pseudo-header isn't removed.

>2. Thanks for the suggestion to drag the message into drafts. Unfortunately
>it only opens as an email to be read, not as an email I can edit. :(
>But.. finally I worked out what to put in Google to find help and discovered
>"Other actions - resend."
>So, for anyone else wanting to do this in Outlook:
>- MM is set to notify me of held messages.
>- double click the attachment called the subject (that has the filtered word
>"digest" in it.)
>- "Other actions > resend"
>- Edit subject (even with approved:pw in the body, MM won't let "digest"
>through the filter) and body.
>- Send.
>And the message reaches the list, edited, but with the original sender as
>I'm there!


I'm going to add your findings plus info about the Approved: header to
the FAQ. Thanks for reporting back.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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