Ryan Stasel wrote:
>I previously was running a series of lists on a Mac OS 10.4 Server, which I 
>believe runs Mailman 2.1.3. And there were no real problems with duplicate 
>I have just now updated to 10.6.2, which runs Mailman 2.1.12rc1, and Dovecot 
>(which I wouldn't think would impact anything). And yeah, already had to patch 
>for the admindb error. 
>Okay, then I have a list called "Everyone" that has the above lists as 
>In 10.4, with Mailman 2.1.3, if someone emailed to "everyone" I only got one 
>copy of that message. 
>Now in 10.6.2, with Mailman 2.1.12rc1, if I email to everyone, I get 
>multiples. If I'm only a member of 2 of the "child" lists, I get two copies. 
>If I'm a member of 4 of those children, I get 4 copies. 
>Again, nodups is on. I'm really quite lost as to why this is happening. 

This is the normal behavior for umbrella lists and has been since
before 2.1.3.

Possibilities include:

1) Apple had a patch in their 2.1.3 and removed it in their 2.1.11rc1
(this is only a conjecture - I don't know this).

2) something in the outgoing MTA to you path that used to deliver only
1 of multiple messages with duplicate message-ids changed and is no
longer dropping dups.

See the FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/TIA9> for more on umbrella lists
and workarounds including how to use regular_include_lists to make a
'better' umbrella list if you're not concerned about digest members of
the sub-lists or processing bounces of posts sent to the "everyone"

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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