On Tue, Jan 05, 2010 at 09:25:58AM -0800, Ryan Stasel wrote:
> I'm not sure postfix (the MTA) should be doing the duplicate
> suppression. But looking around online, it seems like there is a very
> large argument that goes something like: "Dovecot should do it" ->
> "It's not dovecot's problem, it's the maillist software" -> "MTA
> should do it" -> "Dovecot should do it". -> Rinse, Repeat. Oh, and
> some argue something like procmail/sieve should do it. 

Sounds about right; take your pick for how/where/if you want to 
do it ;)

``Sir Humphrey: The ship of state, Bernard, is the only ship
  that leaks from the top. 
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