
We have just set up a new small mailing list where we are very hands on with 
invitations to join.  We had Confirm and Approve selected … and came to find 
that a notable percentage of Confirmation messages went to the user’s SPAM 
folders.  (This is in spite of them being subscribers to at least one other 
list of ours).

Is there a way to query what email addresses have been sent Confirmation 
messages but not responded/confirmed?  Is there a time after which unconfirmed 
subscription requests are purged? 

I know there are no more features being added to 2.1 … but it sure seems like 
being able to follow people through the subscription process, and maybe even to 
have the ability to resend the Confirmation emails would make us look better.  
With today’s flow we don't know they requested to subscribe … and they get 
angry at us because they think we are not responding their subscription request.

For the benefit of others … we updated the text on the Subscribe results page 
that you can find under Edit the public HTML pages and text files to tell folks 
that they should look for a Confirmation email.  This web page pops up after 
they click subscribe - no email involved.

And in fact, we removed email verification altogether since we deal in a more 
closed environment.  The risk of someone subscribing someone else by faking 
their email or of a typo is lower than the frustration of double digit capture 
of verification emails into SPAM.



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