On 9/25/18 12:55 AM, Pascal Christen wrote:
> I got a bit deeper into this problem and I
> discovered something: When I add an user with the mass subscription in
> the GUI I see that the "testtest_pesc.xyz/config.pck" gets written with
> the new user but half a second later it gets overwritten with the old
> one. But at the moment I don't know why.
> Our setup: 1 Mailman backend-Server (with all the qrunners - NFS mount
> of /usr/local/mailman), 2 Webservers (NFS mount of /usr/local/mailman).
> So all the systems are mounting the same Mailman data.

I think the scenario maybe something like this:

You submit the mass subscribe. This is forwarded to one of the web
servers which locks the list and and does the subscribe, updating the
config.pck. Meanwhile, something gets forwarded to another web server
which somehow manages to lock the list before it's updated and then save
the 'old' config.pck.

Locking is supposed to prevent this and is supposed to be NFS safe, but
possibly there is an issue here. See Mailman/LockFile.py.

I suggest careful examination of the web server logs and configs and
maybe also MTA logs and configs to see more about what's going on and in
what order things are happening.

I'm not familiar with NFS and what it logs, but it's logging may also be
useful if detailed enough.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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