Thank you, Gentlemen!

That was quite enlightening and _very_ helpful.

I'm very grateful for your extensive explanations and examples and am going to give Topics a try and see if the subscribers take to them.


On 10/13/2020 5:51 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 10/13/20 1:56 PM, Chip Davis wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion, Richard.

The only downside to that is that your 'Subject:' line now has least
three identifiers: the list-id, the admin-id, and the topic-id.

     Subject: [FlyGuys] [Admin] [B-26] Re: cockpit vent repair

I was hoping to avoid the Subject bloat, and it crossed my mind that the
list-id itself could be considered the common "topic".  I wasn't sure if
the string "[FlyGuys]" in the Subject would be recognized as a "topic",
or if it would be ignored because it was the list-id.  Or if it
mattered, since its primary purpose is to enable the "no-match filter"
option in the first place.

As noted in another reply, matching on subject_prefix won't work.

Also, I don't understand 'subject bloat'

Consider defining a topic named Get_only_nonmatchind with a regexp ov say


And a description of say

Subscribe to this topic and enable receiving messages that don't match
any topic to receive only messages that don't match any other topic.

Any insights would be appreciated.

Question 2: If a 'Subject:' line has multiple topic-ids, will a copy of
the posting will be sent to the union set of members of the topics?
Short answer - Yes

What you call multiple topic IDs are actually just things that match a
topic regexp.

For example, if topic1 has regexp \WMailman\W and topic2 has regexp
\Wlist\W, any message containing a Subject: or Topics: header or pseudo
header containing the word Mailman (matched case insensitively) will be
delivered to every regular member subscribed to topic1 plus those
subscribed to no topics. Any message containing a Subject: or Topics:
header or pseudo header containing the word list (matched case
insensitively) will be delivered to every regular member subscribed to
topic2 plus those subscribed to no topics. Any message containing a
Subject: or Topics: header or pseudo header containing both the words
Mailman and list (matched case insensitively) will be delivered to every
regular member subscribed to topic1 plus those subscribed to topic2 plus
those subscribed to no topics.

IOW, if a member is subscribed to those topics will he get multiple
copies in that case?

Question 3: What effect do Topics have on subscribers receiving the
Digest?  Are they effectively subscribed to all Topics?

Digests contain all messages without any regard to topics.

I see great potential for the use of Topics in our group, but I don't
know where to find the answers besides here.

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