On 12/13/23 01:04, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Jim Dory writes:

  > I've started getting these spamming attacks again so thought I
  > would dive into trying this recaptcha. I got the keys for V2
  > recaptcha from google and put the 2 lines at the bottom of the
  > mm_cfg.py with proper keys from google. Spelling double
  > checked. After saving the file, I can't log into the web interface
  > of mailman - I get a Bad Request error page. I commented out the
  > RECAPTCHA_*_* lines and could then access the admin web pages
  > again.

There's a lot missing here.

1.  What version of what operating system are you using?
     Ubuntu and Debian are likely to require some hoop-jumping to get
     the needed software installed.
2.  What version of Python are you using?
3.  What version of Mailman are you using?
     If it's recent enough, the listinfo.* pages will include a tag
     "<mm-recaptcha-ui>" which does all the heavy lifting for you.
4.  How did you install Mailman?  Preinstalled on a cPanel host, from
     the OS, from source in a virtual environment, other from source?

  > web admin pages. What would I add and to which files? I don't see
  > list_info under  /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/Mailman/ .

Try `find /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman -name 'listinfo.*'`
and you should see a bunch of them.  Most likely you are only
interested in
and maybe the .txt version of that file if it exists, but if you offer
other languages to your users, you may need to deal with the
$TWO_LETTER_LANGUAGE_CODE/listinfo.* versions for those languages.

Thank you Stephen. Apologies for being vague.

I did find the listinfo.html file yesterday - I hadn't ever altered that 
particular file directly.

1. CentOS v7.9.2009 STANDARD kvm, cPanel Version 110.0.17. I need to upgrade the OS AlmaLinux 8 by this summer. as CentOS (and the cPanel version) is deprecated. Would do it now but afraid of mucking things up. I'm just a volunteer and do this for the community - not an expert by any means.

2, Python 2.7.5

3. Mailman 2.1.39

4. Mailman installed by host. I'm on a vps with root access.

As for listinfo.html, I see 2 pertinent files. on under ../en/templates (this list is just english) and under ../lists/[name of our list]/ . The templates version includes a few lines of captcha which the lists version doesn't. Here's a snippet of the templates version:

[snip]     </td>
        <td><MM-Undigest-Radio-Button> No
            <MM-Digest-Radio-Button>  Yes
        <td colspan="3">

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