On Mon, 2024-03-11 at 21:28 -0400, Jayson Smith wrote:
> So it's happened again and I have no idea why, though I suspect some of 
> my IP neighbors may have been put on Microsoft's naughty list as my 
> subnet with Linode was recently listed on Uceprotect level 2. Anyway, I 
> go to send an Email to an Outlook user, and get the typical thing, 
> Unfortunately, messages from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX weren't sent. Fill out the 
> support request, expect to get conditionally mitigated in a few 
> hours…nope. Instead, I get this:

As a Linode (now Akamai) user myself, I can confirm that they have
"Issues" with the reputation of their IP address spaces, especially
their IPv6 address space. They've been very liberal and helpful in
helping us stay connected, as they have for many others, and I've
corresponded with them about this issue. They're not doing anything
wrong, and crack down on spammers using their cloud servers, but it's
not the kinder, gentler Internet of yester-year, and they're, to an
extent, caught in the middle.

On top of this, MS Outlook servers are, and have been for a long time,
a real PITA, notorious for long time for blocking emails on very flimsy
grounds. To the best of my knowledge, there's no fix for this at the
list-server level.

The bottom line seems to be that the only email services which work
consistently with all recipients are those with deep pockets - Gmail,
Yahoo, Microsoft email, etc. If you have the money, you can buy a
better reputation for your IP addresses are address group, but it's a
money game.

Lindsay Haisley       | "The first casualty when
FMP Computer Services |         war comes is truth."
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http://www.fmp.com    |     -- Hiram W Johnson
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