On 3/12/24 11:40, Julian H. Stacey wrote:

I'm interested what independent mailman-users@ think on technical
issues of DKIM/SPF, but `advice' from fined monopolist google Not wanted.

Search RISKS archives around the time SPF was introduced, that's about the earliest discussion I know of.

Non-technically it's snake oil, obviously: nothing is stopping me from buying a domain (in "national alphabets", too, so there's no shortage of names) using a stolen credit card number, "protect it" so noting comes up in whois, add all the DMARC/DKIM/SPF records imaginable, and start spamming like there is no tomorrow. Once it's blacklisted by everyone: ditch it and buy another. Rinse, lather, repeat.

It's only stopping the small mom-and-pop spammers. And mailman users.


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