
I'm not sure I'm fully knowledgeable enough in this matter to help, but maybe...

For my Mastodon VPS I use sendpulse.com as the outgoing SMTP server.  They have a surprisingly high threshold of free outbound SMTP messages they allow per month before asking you for a paid plan.  So far, I have had no problem with blocked messages, so you might try them?

FYI -- This is a company based in Ukraine with their servers in Germany, so not sure what happens if Russia makes further strides in the war.

-- Michael

*Michael Reeder, LCPC
*Hygeia Counseling Services : Baltimore / Mt. Washington Village location*
*410-871-TALK / michael(at)hygeiacounseling.com*

On 3/16/2024 11:10 AM, Jayson Smith wrote:

What I mean is that I'd love to find a good, reliable smarthost I can direct my SMTP server on my VPS to use. I've heard knowledgeable friends say over and over and over again, "Anyone who runs their own Email server is just asking for trouble, it's not worth it any more." The real problem I'm seeing is that seemingly within the last few years, at least some VPS providers (Linode and Digital Ocean for sure) have started getting entire IP ranges put on blocklists. My first experience of being put on UCEPROTECT level 3 was on January 20, 2021, and a few weeks ago my IP wound up on UCEPROTECT level 2. Yes, I know how the UCEPROTECT lists work, but the point is that I never used to find my IP on those lists, but now it happens every few months. I have to think something has happened to cause more spammers to use these providers.

As for incoming Email, I'd like for my own SMTP server to be able to continue handling it. The reason is that I don't want some other Email provider's spam blocking software deciding what I get to see. I have some incoming spam control measures in place for specific Email addresses that tend to receive a lot of spam, but for me and my family members, everything gets through. Yes this means we get incoming spam that comes our way, but it also means we don't have to worry about an important incoming message going missing because it was sent to the spam folder or silently discarded.

Thanks for any thoughts,


On 3/16/2024 5:26 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Jayson Smith writes:

  > I'm getting really tired of these unexplained blacklistings. Does
  > anyone know of any reliable outgoing Email service providers?

What do you mean by that?  Gmail for example allows you (or did allow
you 18 months ago) to validate an alternate address through the usual
"can you read this mail and send back a cookie" dance, and use those
validated addresses in From.

Unfortunately, in my experience at least Gmail won't allow you to use
a non-gmail address in From unless you're using their app or browser
client.  Authenticated SMTP to port 587 doesn't cut it for whatever
reason.  The best I could figure out was sending through eg gmail
using From: m...@gmail.com and setting Reply-To.

  > Ideally I want to continue to handle my own incoming Email because
  > I don't want someone else's spam blocking software deciding what
  > Emails I receive.

I don't know of freemail who allows that, unfortunately.  The closest
I know of is Google, as above.
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