On 2 Sep 2015, at 9:55, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 2 Sep 2015, at 9:25, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

On 1 Sep 2015, at 21:50, Kai Großjohann wrote:

is it possible to have MailMate use GPG from Homebrew? Right now, Homebrew complains it can't update GPG because there is a non-Homebrew link in `/usr/local/bin`...

MailMate is currently hardcoded to use `/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin/gpg2`.

So actually the symlink in `/usr/local/bin` isn't needed! So I can tell HomeBrew to overwrite that symlink.

Okay, now I have two installations of GPG on my system, which kind of sucks, but oh, well.

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