Let me add one caveat:

The two installations should not butt up against each other or have conflicts. You can install any number of different IMAP clients on any number of computers with no problem, since the canonical home for your email is in the cloud. That's how IMAP works and why it was developed.

I've found that it's a bad idea to have multiple machines running simultaneously with rules that sort and categorize incoming messages. What I do is have all of the rules on one machine; ditto SpamSieve. For me, what works best is SpamSieve on my always-on desktop, but sorting rules on my laptop. Why the split? Spam I never want to see, so I always want to get rid of it quickly. But important mail I want to see immediately on my phone, so when I'm not using my laptop I'll be alerted to inbound mail. (I also use server-side rules for less-important mailboxes that I'd never want to look at on the phone, but that's a separate story.)

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