On 11 Jan 2017, at 16:24, Sherif Soliman wrote:

On 11 Jan 2017, at 4:08, Robert M. Münch wrote:

Hi, when I create a numbered list with "1. " MM opens up the preview, shows the numbered list entry but the cursor is positioned into a newline under the number, so I just can't continue writing and have to get rid of the newline. Is this a known problem?

This happens to me too - but only sometimes and I couldn't reproduce it for the purposes of this reply. I start the list and the composer recognizes the text as Markdown, and while it's opening a Preview pane, the cursor moves to the line below the `- `.

Unfortunately I don't have a guess as to what conditions cause that to happen.

I'm pretty sure that it only happens when the preview is on the right side of the composer window. At least I have been able to reproduce it that way at some point, but I cannot trigger it now. I'm guessing there must be some other condition needed for this behavior.

Robert, can you confirm that you have the preview on the right?

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