On 15 Mar 2017, at 18:16, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 13 Mar 2017, at 23:01, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

Im back to having to keep changing "date received" to "Date received (relative)" on almost every mailbox again.

No matter of "set default columns" seem to fix this.

Any reminders on how to fix this again or is it a regression?

I think it's the same level of “bugginess” as it has been for a long time (too long). Resetting mailbox related states can be done like this:

        defaults delete com.freron.MailMate MmMailboxRelatedStates

I THINK I've found a less aggressive solution that may help figuring out the mechanism of the bug...

Somehow I obtained a sticky de facto "default" that only made sense for aggregated mailboxes: From, To, Subject, Date (sorted newest first), Attachments, Source Mailbox. I repeatedly changed various mailboxes and used "Use as Default Columns" but it never stuck. The problem persisted across restarts.

I quit MM and went digging into the preferences to find where those columns were being persisted across launches. Eventually I worked up a shell pipeline to see an abridgment of the per-mailbox settings small enough to correlate enabled columns to mailbox identifiers:

    defaults read com.freron.MailMate MmMailboxRelatedStates |
      egrep -B5 -A7 '(messagesOutlineView|enabledColumns) =' |
      egrep '[[:alpha:]]{2}' | sed '/^  *"imap/s/^ */\
/' |
      egrep -v '^(                       | *sortDesc)'

(NOTE: the 'sed' command has an embedded escaped newline in its replacement pattern.)

This kicks out a series of stanzas extracted from the mailbox layout dictionaries, effectively snipping out ~100 lines of "columnStates" and PList formatting which make it hard to correlate the mailbox name and its list of enabled columns. With that condensed view, it was easy to pick out which mailboxes had the "sticky" de facto default columns enabled. In may case, that was "ALL MESSAGES" and the top-level view for my main account.

So I started up MM and went to each of those mailboxes, changing each to the layout I wanted and using the "Use as Default Columns" command. This resulted in an encouraging sign: both "Use as Default Columns" and "Revert to Default Columns" grayed out, implying that the mailboxes were using the defaults. And indeed, after doing that, no other mailbox came up with the bad layout. Problem solved!

I followed the same steps successfully on my other Mac, where only the top-level aggregate for my main account had the bad sticky layout. The implication seems to be that non-default column layouts are sometimes inherited from a parent or grandparent.

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