On 3 May 2017, at 13:58, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote:

I don't use the IMAP server as an archive for this 3 reasons:

1. I don't have so much space on my email-account.

That might be worth looking into :) (Note that there is nothing preventing you from a using another IMAP account for long term storage.)

2. Archiving email-messages outside the email-client I can rely on Finder- / Spotlight- / HoudahSpot-search to find anything (including email-messages). I'm not saying that MailMate is bad on searching - I'm using it every day for the email-messages I still haven't archived yet.

If Spotlight indexing and a custom location is enabled in the General preferences pane then this should work for MailMate emails as well.

3. Even after switching to MailMate I still like to believe that every email-client works faster and need less RAM when having less emails to deal with. I'm sure you've done and continuously do a lot of work to make MailMate fast and less RAM-hungry, but still. :-)

I'm not going to argue with this point :)

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