On 26 Feb 2018, at 15:38, David Shepherdson wrote:

On 26 Feb 2018, at 19.53, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

My main problem with digest emails is that they don't allow the email client to correctly (at least not easily?) set the `In-Reply-To` header leading to broken threads in MailMate. In other words, digest emails are fine as long as one don't expect to reply to anything :-)

But MailMate has nifty functionality to help here!

If you’re looking at a digest message, and want to reply to a specific entry, open the contextual menu for the specific ‘sub-message’ you want to reply to (i.e. control-click/right click it) and choose ‘Detach Message’. The particular post will then become a separate message in the same mailbox as the digest message, and you can then reply to it just like any other message (as I am doing here!).

Odd, I'm not seeing any option to "Detach Message" when opening the contextual menu inside a digest email for this list.

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