On 4 Mar 2018, at 21:07, Annamarie wrote:


I'll get technical help from my new hosting service in the AM but the time I spend with the person on Chat was not great - and he wanted to tell me my client was at fault!!!!! NOT.

But I am getting a specific error and I dont' know enough to know what to do about it. Screenshot attached.

Do the rebuild.

IMAP requires a unique, stable identifier for every message. Depending on how you copied the server-side messages over, that could indeed have changed with a new server. Rebuilding takes a while, but all it's really doing is getting each message anew, with its new identifier.

Now: whether or not that's really the problem does, as I said, depend on how you copied the messages. If it was done by some sort of file transfer, server to server, it's quite likely. If, on the other hand, you used a mail client to copy things, you should be ok. *However* -- if you copied stuff manually that way, but then changed the MailMate settings to point to the new server, the message you saw is almost certainly correct. In fact, MailMate warns you about that, as I recall from when I did something similar a few months ago.

Also I don't quite trust the automated info in the CPanel about the incoming server and outgoing.. They are telling me that all i need is domain.com .. aren't there usually three words with a dot between them?

There's no one rule. What you were told is 100% plausible.

Chat guy did suggest I delete the email account and rebuild it. I'll lose my smart mailboxes but I shouldn't lose any email, right?


BTW: we are talking about six different email accounts on four domains. YES! I should have done one and tested it. I didn't. Thought I knew what I was doing. Good thing this list serve is on gmail. : )


Annamarie Pluhar
802-579-5975 (iPhone - not good when I'm at my desk.)
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