Yes, thank you. And I so appreciate the time you took to explain why my problem might have happened. I have successfully imported the my old emails from my TimeMachine backup back into MM. I goofed in that I put them into the wrong archive folder - BUT a little smart mailbox magic makes it possible to find what I need easily. Thank you so very much

Moral of the story for anyone reading this thread: Before you change your mail servers, make a copy of your mail on your own computer.

Annamarie Pluhar
802-579-5975 (iPhone - not good when I'm at my desk.)

On 9 Mar 2018, at 4:23, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 6 Mar 2018, at 14:01, Annamarie wrote:

Following up on another thread but with a new request. So MM behavior to resynchronize which email was moved between servers (hosting accounts) caused two of my email accounts to munch all my email. Don't know why - it was fine on three other accounts.

I have backups: TimeMachine, the original Cpanel full site backup in a "tar.gz" format on my computer, and my iPhone which I haven't reset to the new server. I also have access to my old account and Cpanel. I'm hoping one of these will be good for restoring my email but HOW?

I replied to the Lighthouse ticket you created. I hope that was useful.

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