
I was certain this was discussed in the past, but, I couldn't find it in the mail archives anywhere, nor the hidden preferences.

One of the (infinite) infuriating things about Outlook seems to be that when it receives email where quoted lines in replies are prefaced with ">" it will effectively ignore the characters and only create a mild indentation on the screen of the unfortunate Outlook user.

Is there a way to change this in MailMate so that some other symbol/character is used? I think that the HTML composer uses something that looks like a |, which would probably be okay.

In manual testing, Outlook actually displayed that character, which is good.

As it is, when I reply to emails that end up with Outlook users, they look like this on the Outlook side:

On 17 March 2018, at 1001, ! Test Mail box wrote:

Testing back and forth.

Are we ready to go?

Looking good...Maybe.

Where as, what I *sent* was:

On 17 March 2018, at 1001, ! Test Mail box wrote:

Testing back and forth.

Are we ready to go?

Looking good...Maybe.

Just wondering what the best way is of maintaining proper inline quotation, which renders sanely.



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