On 4 Apr 2018, at 9:11, Randall Meadows wrote:

On 3 Apr 2018, at 18:23, Randall Gellens wrote:


When editing a mailbox rule, if I change the condition, the match text also changes, which seems unexpected. For example, if an existing rule contains:

[ Recipient (To, Cc, Bcc) > **User** ]  [ is not ]  [ **foo@gork** ]

And I change the condition subpart from "User" to "Address", the match text gets replaced with something:

[ Recipient (To, Cc, Bcc) > **Address** ] [ is not ] [ **bar@flex** ]

I would expect that when editing an exiting rule which already contains text in the match text field, that text would remain and not be replaced.

Does this happen when you do NOT have a message selected in the message list? I could see this being a useful feature, by using context to "help" you edit the rule.

When creating a new rule, yes, I can see it being helpful. But when editing an existing rule, I find it counter-productive and unhelpful. This is because a new rule would otherwise have an empty match text field, so a guess as to what to put there won't hurt, but an existing rule already has text there, and to delete it is not expected nor helpful.

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