Hi, this is a weird one.  I seem to no longer be able to drag a message
into another IMAP mailbox and have the message get moved to that mailbox.
The "Message->Move to Mailbox..." menu item works fine, but if I attempt to
use drag & drop to perform the move, I see the following set of bizarre

- When I release my mouse button over the destination mailbox, the "drop"
doesn't occur, with the outline of the from info of the message I'm
dragging continuing to follow my mouse cursor around the screen until I it
the escape key.
- If I hit the escape key while I'm still hovering over the mailbox list,
the UI becomes either wholly unresponsive, or the actions (e.g. selecting
other mailboxes) lags my input by many seconds.  Often times, clicks and
other UI interactions are simply ignored, or only acted upon by a
subsequent click, leading to a bizarre interaction where the mailbox chosen
is one I selected two or three clicks before.
- Similar unresponsive behavior occurs (after the failed drop) when
attempting to scroll the mailbox pane; such attempts are either completely
ignored or delayed by many seconds.
- At some point, especially if I leave the App and come back, things return
to normal.

This is 100% reproducible.  Updating from r5498 to r5504 did not help, nor
does restarting MailMate.  I'm running the latest High Sierra update,


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