I guess we’ll have to wait and see how things pan out.


On 11 Jan 2019, at 15:21, Randall Gellens wrote:

On 11 Jan 2019, at 12:10, Sam Hathaway wrote:

On 11 Jan 2019, at 14:58, Randall Gellens wrote:

An IMAP-JMAP proxy just moves the complexity of dealing with the myriad of IMAP servers from core MailMate to an embedded proxy. I don't see it providing that much help, while it would undoubtedly introduce its own set of problems.

If coordinated right, it would centralize the thankless work of kludging around nonstandard, broken IMAP server implementations. Imagine if, instead of each MUA author having to develop, test, and maintain dozens of ugly hacks, they were collaborating to improve a single JMAP proxy codebase that all could use.

That could be a great thing. Or it could be just one more variant for a client to support, potentially multiple variants if the proxy behaves differently depending on which IMAP server it is facing. Done well, a universal proxy could help. But then, done well, IMAP is fine.

As I said earlier, while JMAP might be very cool, it doesn’t help the core problem of widely variant IMAP server behavior; instead, it just introduces yet more variants.

It does move us towards solving the problem of IMAP being kinda trash for resource-constrained clients with slow network connections.

As I mentioned before, IMAP was originally designed for extremely slow dial-up lines that were prone to sudden disconnection. Many of the features of IMAP are specifically for the problems of communication in that environment.

I think it’s telling that many of the major email providers (Google, Microsoft, and FastMail, at least) felt the need to create their own proprietary mail access protocols for use by their mobile apps. What this says to me is that IMAP is not fit-for-purpose when it comes to smartphone apps.

Maybe, or maybe many of the big providers didn't want to spend the time to figure out how to do IMAP well, and/or saw competitive advantages of having their own protocol. There's a long-standing problem of players big and small doing poor jobs of implementing standards. In some cases, it was clear that developers read the RFC examples but not the normative text.

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