On 11 Jan 2019, at 20:58, Randall Gellens wrote:

On 11 Jan 2019, at 7:07, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

The last one is maybe the most likely one, but given the complexity of the current IMAP implementation (in order to handle all kinds of issues) I kind of doubt that it's possible. A proxy which only works well with some IMAP servers is currently of little use to me.

An IMAP-JMAP proxy just moves the complexity of dealing with the myriad of IMAP servers from core MailMate to an embedded proxy. I don't see it providing that much help, while it would undoubtedly introduce its own set of problems.

That's kind of what I was trying to say :-) It's only a help to me if I'm not making the proxy and it handles more IMAP issues than my own code.

Note: This does not mean that I think JMAP is a bad idea. It's just not for MailMate yet.

As I said earlier, while JMAP might be very cool, it doesn't help the core problem of widely variant IMAP server behavior; instead, it just introduces yet more variants.

Yes, from my perspective an IMAP->IMAP proxy would actually be more useful since it would allow me to tell users to use the proxy whenever some weird IMAP issue was not handled well by MailMate :-)

Also, as soon as multiple JMAP implementations exist then some of them are likely to be buggy or limited in some way -- and then I'm making workarounds again...

What is really needed is a comprehensive test suite which users can *easily* use to test a given IMAP provider. It kind of [exists](https://imapwiki.org/ImapTest/ServerStatus), but it's too hard to use. I'm thinking something like what the [acid tests](http://acid3.acidtests.org) did for web browsers.

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