Hi Matthias,

On 11 Feb 2019, at 12:03, Matthias Schmidt wrote:
is there a possibility to create templates and snippets for e-mails?

Maybe I can introduce you to a different approach that I’m using? It’s based on expanding short sequences of text into pre-defined templates. For example, you would enter „mft“ (an abbreviation for „my favorite template“ that I’ve just made up) and it would expand to the more complex template you’ve associated with this template.

There is builtin functionality for that in macOS (see „Settings > Keyboard > Text“). Or, what I’m using, there is [Alfred](https://www.alfredapp.com/), which comes with support for _Snippets_ that also support placeholders like {date:yyyy-MM-dd} or {cursor}.

Kind regards
— Florian
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