On 3 Jul 2019, at 11:18, Zi Yan wrote:

My new ISP provides native IPv6, which is great, but my company IMAP mail server does not support IPv6. I just wonder if there is a way of disabling IPv6 in Mailmate. It would be even better if I can disable IPv6 for a specific account.

You could try adding an entry for the IPv4 address of outlook.office365.com to your /etc/hosts file. Haven’t tested it but it’s worth a shot.

Another option (assuming it doesn’t make SSL mad) might be to use the IPv4 address in MailMate’s config as your IMAP server address (rather than “outlook.office365.com”).

Additionally, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with disabling it on your system to get things to work now. It’s unlikely to break anything.

Stijn says that IPv6 is the future, but IMO the future is going to take a while to arrive, if it ever does. Some people think IPv6 has failed and we’ll have to try something else. Go figure!

Hope this helps.
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