I’m still having problems with disappearing tags, if anyone has suggestions.

Even when I apply a tag via the menu `Message > Tag > <tag>` it disappears after a few seconds.

On 27 Aug 2019, at 12:16, Denis Ricard via mailmate wrote:

Hey there,
I’m experimenting with tags and set a few rules to automatically tag messages depending on the email address. These work well in general but in a few instances the tag is applied when I run the rule (I see it appear in the message header), then a few seconds later the tag disappears. I’m not sure why. It seems to happen after a sync with the server. In one instance I changed the IMAP keyword and it stopped doing that, in another instance is did not stop and kept deleting the tag after a few seconds.

I only have two rules at the moment, both of which had the same problem. They do not interfere with each other (no criteria intersects). Both tags are listed below in the post scriptum. The rules are of the type “any from address is” with specific addresses.

Anything I’m missing here? I searched the documentation and the archives of the list but couldn’t find anything similar.


P.S. in case it’s relevant the tag that I changed and now works was

Was deleted with:
Display name: amis
IMAP keyword: amis

Changed to and worked:
Display name: amis
IMAP keyword: friends

the tag that I changed and still doesn’t work

Was deleted with:
Display name: facture
IMAP keyword: facture

Is still deleted with:
Display name: facture
IMAP keyword: bill
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