On 10 Nov 2019, at 2:59, Andreas Borutta wrote:

> Good morning.
> I'm new to MailMate. In my previous mail client Thunderbird I like the
> function of a keyboard short which can be charaterized as "single key
> read".
> By default it is the space bar.
> In MM the space bar key will move you at the first through a mail body
> (when it does not fit into the pane) and when it reaches the end of
> the body it moves you to the next message in the same mailbox. When
> you reached the last mail in the mailbox, MM stops.
> I would like to let the space bar key move you only through unread
> messages.
> And I like it to do not stop at the last mail of a mailbox, but move
> you to the next unread message in the next mailbox.
> That is my most used commands at all in Thunderbird. I love the ease
> of tapping the space bar for reading.
> Is that possible with MM please?


In the General pane of the Preferences window, there's a "Custom Key Bindings" 
section with a help button that opens the relevant section in the MM Help. That 
gives all the detailsd, but as an example, I have the word "Mine" in that text 
field and a file at  ~/Library/Application\ 
Support/MailMate/Resources/KeyBindings/Mine.plist with this content:

  " " = "scrollPageDownOrNextUnreadMessage:";
  "q" = "nextUnreadThread:";
  "l" = "replyList:";

The relevant entry is the first one. With that alone, you can spacebar through 
all of the unread messages in one mailbox.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)

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