Max Andersen:

> I Fully grok your mindset here. I had the same.

Thank you. It is important for me to know, that there are other users
who like the suggested feature too.

> I did jump to mailmate in the end though since mailmate is so much better
> in almost any other aspect than Thunderbird.
> And to be clear you do not need to use any modifiers to go to next unread.
> I have 'n' as my next unread.

Yes, but with that command you are stucked in the mailbox, where you
are at the moment. 

To get to the next unread in the next mailbox you need another

> I would love for Benny to add a nextunreadornextcountedfolder command but I
> would encourage you to try mailmate out even before that happens :)

: ) That's what I'm doing right now.

Would you (or others) who are experienced with Thunderbird like to
help me to explore in which aspects MM is superior to TB?

Independent of that:
Are anyone of you uses the filter type/language SIEVE and declares the
rules inside MM?


> On Tue, 12 Nov 2019 at 09:26, Andreas Borutta <> wrote:
>> Travis Risner via mailmate:
>>> I have found that if I choose the general/universal inbox, I can then
>>> option-command down arrow to move to the next unread message.  Yes,
>>> pressing it again will go to the next unread message rather than paging
>>> down, but I consider this an advantage.  It lets me skip from a short or
>>> boring message directly to the next.
>> I like and use the optional command "Jump to the beginning of the next
>> unread message" too. For the same reason like you: when a message is
>> boring.
>> But my highest priority of all functions of a mail client is indeed
>> the single read key. Just because I use it thousand of times.
>> That's as well the reason that for such a command I regard only a
>> keyboard shortcut as acceptable which uses one key and not
>> additionally a meta key or arrow key.
>> Further I prefer it not use "one big mailbox for all messages". So I
>> need the single read key working in the normal mailboxes.
>> In other words:
>> When the command stops at the last unread message in one Mailbox and
>> forces the user to manually switch to the next mailbox (with a special
>> keyboard shortcut), it does not work for me.
>> I really do not stop using "one single key for reading".
>>> I tried to find where this is documented but I didn't see it in MM help,
>>> the MM manual, in MM preferences, system preferences, or in the
>>> "defaults" settings.  Since I don't know where this is set (or how I got
>>> it to work), it may not work for you.
>>> BTW, Thunderbird allows one to transfer an email to a local folder.  MM
>>> does not.  Thus just looking through the MM inbox gets to all unread
>>> messages available to MM.  (I use both programs just so I can transfer
>>> emails to local folders.  Other than that, I consider MM superior to
>>> Thunderbird.)
>> My impression of MM is very good too. I bought the license 2 years
>> ago. But as long as I can't realize a single read key I cannot switch
>> from  Thunderbird to MM.
>> Yes, local folders are a nice concept of TB. But it has not the same
>> rank for me as such usability features as "single read key".
>> But I'm patient :)
>> May be Benny likes my suggestion.
>> Andreas
>> --
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